• one sugar-high sleepover •

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A/N: The video above is what I think a sugar-high Ruel would be like— so you're welcome. I've blessed your eyes.

Was this long-ass one-shot an excuse to write a kiss scene?

Why yes. Yes, it was. :)


"MWAHAHA YOU'RE NEVER GONNA CATCH ME Y/N!" Ruel called as he rampaged around my room, jumping off the quilted sheets and onto my desk chair. He scooped up my phone from the charger and held in the air triumphantly, providing another reason for me to continue chasing him around the cramped space.

I guess this is what I get for feeding Ruel gummy worms, brownies and ice cream all in a row though, right?

The next time my parents dump me at Ruel's place on the weekend while they go on a business trip— remind me to not bring all those things.

Sure, the past hour and Ruel's hyperactive self was fun for a while, but now, I was just getting annoyed.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" I yelled, jumping after a very sugar high Ruel and onto the desk. His height still towered above me, despite him being on the chair, and me on the table. He held the phone teasingly with two fingers, and just out of my reach.

I leaned over the side of the desk precariously, extending myself as far as I could to try and get a hold of my phone— however, his lanky-ass arms were too long for me to meet. The only thing keeping me from tumbling to the floor from this hazardous position was my hand on Ruel's shoulder. "Give it back!" I whined, dragging out the 'a'.

"Too bad!" Ruel sang, diving off the desk chair and back onto my bed. I lost my balance from the loss of his presence and fell off the desk, the floor meeting my face with a thud. He unlocked it easily and began scrolling through my text messages.

Boy did I hate the version of Ruel that got sugar drunk on ice-cream.

"OI! STOP!" I pounced off the floor, rubbing the slight carpet burn on my cheek, and landed on his back. I flailed my arms in hope of snatching up my phone and stopping him from snooping through my conversations.

He grunted as my weight pinned him to the bed, and chuckled like a maniac. I rolled over his body for a few moments, attempting to win my phone back, but I quickly realised it was no use compared to his brick wall of a back.

"Ooh, who's Cody, y/n?" Ruel smirked, scrolling through a specific text chat between a kid from school and I. He still held the phone from my reach, getting more under my skin by the second. "Is he your boyfriend?" he said a little quieter, but a smug look still evident on his face, though his back was facing me.

"What, ew!" I said immediately dismissing the idea, trying to pry my phone away.

Ruel flipped himself onto his back with incredible skill, leaving me laying on his stomach, and my knees on either side of his ribs. He squinted at the conversation as he scrolled deeper into it, hardly bothered by the fact I was basically straddling him. He was too distracted as he scrolled further into the chat to even notice.

I tried to move, but found myself not doing so... and liking the way the softness of his pyjamas and his body heat felt against my skin.

Argh, stop it y/n! Get off him before you- Ruel's voice cut off my thoughts.

"You guys send selfies and love hearts to each other every morning, y/n?" he asked incredulously, eyes darting across the screen. After he had seen enough, he shut off my phone and projectile threw it to the beanbag in the corner of the room.

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