Chapter 5

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Lance's POV

As everyone started to sit down on the roof, we heard the door open.

"Hey guys, who are the newbies?" I hear my sister's voice say from behind me.

"Oh hey sis, this is Keith and Romelle, I met Keith in art class. I thought Rachel would've told you by now." I say, a little nervous.

"Welp the more the merrier. I'm Veronica, Lance's cooler older sister." She says, I hear Keith stifle a cute giggle.

That was a d o r a b l e...

"...nce. Lance. LANCE!!" I hear Pidge scream in my ear.
"W-what? Did I space out, sorry..."
"Yeah you were staring at Keith the whole time." I hear Rachel say. I instantly freeze my face probably as red as a tomato.

"Haha, sorry Keith I guess you were just in my line of sight."
"Yeah suurrre..." I hear Pidge say.

After that embarrassing moment we started eating lunch, everything was going well until...

"Oh it's the McClains."

James showed up.

"James what are you doing here? You know we have the roof on wednesdays." I hear my sisters groan in annoyance.

"I really don't care about that, you know. Who are your new little friends?"
I look to see Keith tensed up in fear.

"Hey Keith are you ok?"

Keith's POV (kind of triggering for bullying and slight panic attack)

As soon as I heard his voice I couldn't move, everyone's voice blurred into one. I could barely breathe. The only thing I could hear clearly was...

"Hey Keith are you ok?"

Lance's voice...

I was suddenly lifted off the ground, I still couldn't move. I felt my body start to shiver and cuddle itself to the source of warmth.

"Hey, you there?" I hear a voice, I was gently set down on the ground.

"Shh, it's ok, I'm here" Lance says while hugging me tightly.

After a while I finally calmed down enough to talk.

"H-he's why I had t-to move to your a-art class."
"Wait James, what did he do? Well you don't have to answer."

"He's bullied me since m-middle school, because my body's so feminine, because I'm 'too emo', b-because I was so quiet he thought I was the perfect target, h-he noticed I was alone, and when I came out a-as gay it got even worse. I never knew w-what to do."

Why am I telling him this, oh gosh he's probably gonna think I'm weird...

"Oh my gosh Keith, I swear I'm gonna beat his ass. He shouldn't treat you like that, and I fully accept you, I'm bi myself so..." I was shocked when he said that.

"O-oh I didn't know that."
"Yeah I only tell people I trust." He says with a little shyness to his voice.

"You just met me and you decide to trust me and beat up a person for me?"
"I mean we're friends right, trust me I know good people when I see them."

He looked at me with the kindest smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

Shit I'm so gay...

I was quickly pulled into a hug and I immediately started blushing. I felt arms wrap around my torso.

"Hey, remember that I'm here if you need anybody to talk to, ok? Anytime you need me just send a text and I'll be there to help you."
"Ok." I say while wrapping my arms around Lance's neck.

Veronica's POV (overprotective sis time. also trigger warning for homophobia)

"I really don't care about that, you know. Who are your new little friends?"

"Do you ever shut up? And these are our new friends that you don't need to worry about." I say, I see Lance picking up Keith.

Where are they going? I'll figure out later...

I see James eyeing them, his eyes widening.

"Oh so Lance got himself the stupid emo boyfirend? Didn't know he swung that way, what a fucking loser." He says while Lance goes down the stairs with Keith in his arms.

"I swear James if you call my brother a loser, I'll make sure you regret it."
"Awe miss 'I will always pwotect my bwother' thweatened me. What am I supposed to do? Oh I know, call your fag**t of a brother a fucking loser, that's what." I hear him cackle.

This son of a bitch...

"Veronica don't do it please." I hear Rachel's voice say.
"I'm sorry."

I ran up to James and punched his face, causing him to fall to the ground. I snicker.

"You shouldn't fucking underestimate me again, you son of a bitch!" He tries to get up but I push him to the ground.

"You McClains are fucking crazy!" He says holding his nose. I let him leave.

"Is everyone ok?" I ask the group. Pidge and Hunk nod.
"That was so badass, shit." I hear the new girl, Romelle, say.

"Veronica, I told you not to do that." Rachel says. She's always been the mom in our group. Explains why she's the closest to mamá.

"What was I supposed to do? Let that scumbag insult our brother?"
"Well no, but you didn't have to break his nose."
"He deserved it."
"Whatever, I'm not arguing with you."

Right as I was about to respond I heard the door open.

"What happened up here? We were leaving the bathroom and I saw James speed by with a bloody nose. It was kinda funny to be honest."
"Lance!!" Rachel says
"Sorry, sorry. Ok but like answer my question."
"I punched his face, cause he called you a loser and that f-word, I think you know what I'm talking about." I say with a knowing glance.
"Oh, damn." Lance says with sadness in his voice.

"D-do you think he'll be back?" I hear Keith say with a quiet voice.
"Heh I don't think so." I say grinning confidently.
"Ok, good." He smiles back.

"He's such an asshole, but let's not talk about him anymore. Where did you two go?"
"O-oh uh, I took Keith down to the bathroom cause he looked kind of scared. We just talked." I saw them both blush right after he said that.

"Ok ok, well let's get our stuff ready so we can head back to class." I say trying to hide my snickering. I see Lance glaring at me but I decide to ignore it.

Everyone started heading to their classes as the bell rang.

(Aaah ok that took a while, and kinda sad but we got some good stuff, also I hate using the f word bc ik makes ppl and me  uncomfy. But yeeee)

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