Chapter 6

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Keith's POV

After that whole situation everybody went to their next class. Pidge and I both have the same class, you can guess what happened there...

" and Lance?" I hear Pidge say with a smirk.

"W-what are you talking about?" I say trying to hide my blush.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about!"
"Nothing happened, he just calmed me down and we talked. That's all, I swear."
"Yeah sure... Anyways don't you have a crush on him? I mean it's kinda obvious."
"I might have a small crush on him. It's not like he'll ever like me back though."

Pidge looks at me with a questioning look, I just ignored it.
Then class started...

Lance's POV

I was walking down the hallway thinking about what just happened.

Wow, he really is something else...
I wish I could've helped him back then, he doesn't deserve this...

As I kept walking in a dream state I didn't notice people coming towards me.

"Hey watch it!" I hear a menacing voice say.

"Oh sorry, wasn't paying attention." I look to see who I bumped into.

Oh shit...

"Watch where you're going Lancey Lance."
"I don't have time for this Lotor."

I see a smirk come up on his face

"I heard what happened at the roof during lunch." He says with a snicker.

I tense up hoping nothing will happen.

"Don't expect to be let off the hook, you hear me?"
"Come on Lotor he was the one who started it, this whole feud is pointless."
"Oh we'll see."

He walks off, shoulders up and looking like he owns the place.

~Time Skip~

As the day went on I couldn't help but think about what Lotor said.

'Oh we'll see.'
What does he mean by that...
Ugh I just don't want anyone getting hurt...

As Hunk and I were leaving our last class a group starts to form in the hallway.

I tried to ignore it but then I heard a name...


Keith's POV

The day went by as normal, Romelle and I meet for our last block and then go home

Unfortunately that was not the case...

"Heh, hey Keithy all alone aren't ya."

James and his crew walk up to me.

Of course today just had to be the day Rommy went home early...

James looks at me with a smirk, a gauze in his nose from earlier that day.

He looks so stupid...

Right as I was about to run off I feel my backpack being yanked back and my collar being pulled.

"You thought you were gonna get away from me because you ran away with your little boyfriend? Not a chance..." As soon as he said that I felt knuckles hit my jaw and my back hitting the ground.

Lance's POV

As I pry James off of Keith I could hear Hunk calling after me.

When James was caught off guard I picked up Keith and ran as fast as I could.
I looked at Keith's fear stricken face right as his eyes rolled back and he passed out.

No no no...
Fuck where can I go...
I gotta check the infirmary...

As I head towards the infirmary I notice Hunk running up behind me.

"Hey, is he ok? Is he conscious? Oh my gosh he passed we gotta hurry-"
"Hunk chill, I think he'll be okay. I'm heading to the infirmary."

As I finally open the door, I lay him down on the bed and the nurse comes from behind the curtains. I explain what happened.

"Okay son, I'll need to treat his wounds and he should be fine when he wakes up. Just make sure to stay here until he does or gets picked up."

After a couple minutes of bandaging, the nurse leaves and Hunk goes along saying goodbye.

As I turn back to face Keith I see him stir.

"W-what happened and why does everything hurt?"
"Hey you're awake. Well, James and his asshole friends ganged up on you and I took you to the infirmary as soon as I could. I'm here waiting until you get picked up."
"O-oh uh thanks."
"No problem Keithy."

He looks up with a confused look on his face but doesn't say anything.

Then there's silence...
Very awkward silence...

"So are you feeling better?" I say trying to break the awkwardness.
"Yeah I guess. Also sorry about my rant earlier, you really didn't have to do that?"
"Hey don't worry about that. I helped you cause you looked scared and I wanted to help you, make sure your were okay. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't."

As soon as I finished my sentence someone came barging into the room.

Keith's POV


With no time to answer Lance, the door swung open.

"Oh my gosh Keith are you okay? I got a call that you were hurt. Do we need to go to the hospital? Can you walk? Come o-"
"Babe please calm down your gonna stress yourself to death."
"Shiro I swear if you talk one more-"

"Guys... I'm okay you can stop worrying now."
"Oh thank goodness"
"Good, I'm glad you're okay. I thought Shiro was about to have a heart attack."

I look over to see Lance looking very confused.

"Oh uh Lance, this my brother Shiro, his husband Adam, and my sister-"
"Acxa, nice to meet you. You're Lance McClain right?"
"Yep, do you go to school here?"
"Yeah, I'm a junior this year."
"Oh really then you might know my sister Veronica."

As soon as Lance says Veronica's name Acxa's face turns pink.

"U-uh yeah she's in a few of my classes. We have lunch together sometimes too." Acxa says with this dreamy look on her face.

"Oh so you know my sister." Lance says with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yep... ok so I'll meet you guys outside." I look at Lance and he has a look of victory on his face, it's kinda cute.

"Ok I think it's time we go home you guys have been through enough today." Adam says while trying to get Shiro to stop panicking.

"Well I guess I'll see you later." As I start to walk away I hear lance call out.
"Hey, can I get your number so we can talk."
I can feel my face get hot.

"Y-yeah sure."
"Ha ok good"

As we exchange numbers and he gets his stuff ready to leave he says,
"Hey text me when you get home and when you feel better okay? I got a little worried back there."
"Yeah of course I'll let you know."

We wave goodbye to each other while we walk our separate ways.

(in both of their minds)

I really do like him...

(Ahahahah haiiiii i'm back so like sry for the slight death school started and i guess i just got caught up and wasn't thinking about this book. But imma try to update a few chapters during winter break. This is kinda bleh so sry abt that. See y'all later😌✌🏼)

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