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I flew through the forest without looking back. I could feel the evil darkness reaching closer to me as I zip through the trees in a blur. I tried to find a place to hide or someone who could help me, but there are only unfamiliar trees surrounding me. My wings were getting tired and I had cuts all over my body where the limbs on the trees had ripped through my skin as I passed by them. Where is Fynn? He was supposed to meet me at our favorite spot in the Glendalough forest near the biggest Caxigo tree.

Fynn is my best friend in all of Breena, and I know that he has a great excuse for not being here with me right now. I waited for him until the sky was laden with stars. I was walking away to fly back to my home when I felt the all too sickening darkness creep up behind the brush a few miles away. I knew there were things in these woods that I didn't understand. Fynn warned me from being out here on my own, but he's the one who left me out here by myself!

I am always so foolish when it comes to the forest and I know I shouldn't even be out here, but there was a pull in me to find something here and I couldn't shake it away. I didn't have any more time to ponder in the past, because the looming blackness came into focus in front of me and I had to slide into a stop before I could turn around and soar in the other direction.

The dark wall stood 6 feet tall with a grey tar like substance covering the trees. I now didn't have time to escape and was about to face my defeated fate, when I heard a familiar voice calling out for me. I looked up to see Kallan quickly flying towards me to get us out of the danger. He has always been there for me when I needed him the most, unfortunately, he is always there for me when I don't need him, but that is a story for a later time. I was too scared to move after he pushed me forward so he scooped me up and flew away in one swift motion.

"What are you doing Eibhilín! FLY!"

I squirmed out of his arms and flew in a random direction away from the scene behind me. Kallan never shows fear in his eyes when facing hard times, and I don't think he is going to start now. I wish I had this same bravery, but now is not the time to ponder what qualities I do or don't have, I need to get out of here. I know he will make it out alive; he always does.

I flew past the big Caxigo tree and decided to climb it to see if I could get a better view without being in harm's way. I tried to find a good branch to sit on so I could peer through the trees to see it. I lifted myself up to look over the branch, but slipped on the wet bark hitting my head and started tumbling to the ground.

Kallan caught me before I smacked hard against the ground. I thanked him for catching me before I felt myself slowly slip into unconsciousness.

EibhilínWhere stories live. Discover now