Chapter 3

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I have been waiting all year for the announcement of my crowing to happen, and it will finally be the day!  Shaylee, and I are getting ready at Shea, before we are picked up by Kallan and Fynn to be our escorts. 

We decided to match each other by wearing the same style of dresses in different colors.  I chose green to match my eyes, and Shaylee chose pink to match her favorite color of the day like any 5 year old fairy would do.  I looked into the golden mirror one last time to decide if I was ready or not to face the new life ahead of me. 

Yes, I have been raised to be the next queen, but it doesn't mean I am not terrified of what is to come.  I am supposed to lead all of Breena.  How is someone like me, who is weak and young, going to take care of an entire land like Breena? 

I took one more glance at my reflection and headed towards the main hall to be escorted away.  The first thing Shaylee wanted to do when we got there was hide from my grandmother.  Shaylee is my lady in waiting, so to speak, and has been ditching her duties to play with me like I ask of her.  The Queen looked straight at us and I knew that very second that at least one of us was in trouble. 

"Shaylee! Where is the item I told you to bring.  You have a very important job in Breena and you need to respect it!"

Shaylee hid behind my skirt while grandmother stared at us with an almost playful look on her face that I haven't seen in a while.   Right as grandmother was storming towards us; an eerie hush went over the room. 

You could feel the air get cooler and the lights lower to a dull glow.  Every fairy in Shea was here and they all looked to the Royal family for comfort. 

All of a sudden a darkness that I have only seen in my nightmares billowed into the grand room.   The chilling shadow loomed over the room taking over all light that could have come through. 

Everyone was screaming and flying around while Kallan and Fynn took a battle stance while my grandmother pulled me to the side. 

"Ciardha, the darkness is here for our light.  He is here for you Eibhilín.  You are our only hope in saving Breena.  You are the light that can shine through the darkness.  Only your pure light can save us all." 

She told me the only thing I needed was love in my heart and the strength to stand before the darkness to defeat Ciardha once and for all. 

I was frozen in fear but quietly obliged.  I don't know exactly how to do this and I am halfway scared to death, but I have to save my people.  This is what my fate entails for me and I will not let Breena or my grandmother down. 

All of a sudden I felt warm strength flow through my veins and out into the darkness surrounding us.  Out of nowhere I chanting an old blessing I remembered from my childhood, over and over. 

"May the blessings of light be upon you, light without and light within, and in all your comings and goings, may you ever have a kindly greeting from them you meet along the road." 

The darkness was still covering everything in sight and I felt like I would never penetrate the blackness everywhere.  I spoke louder and stronger, more than I thought I had in me and was blinded by myself when brightness shown through all of my being. 


The darkness was no more, and all was quiet.

"Well done my child, you overcame the darkness with the light in you.  Eibhilín, you are the savior of Breena and the new Queen of Shea.  All you needed was the faith and strength within you, and there it was, shining brighter than our sun."

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