Chapter II- The Meeting

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C H A P T E R - T W O

The air was comfortably warm, even as the sun departed over the mountains, creating a beautiful blend of orange, pink, and blue that embraced in a colorful symphony that even the grumpiest of men couldn't help but stop and admire.

Little Amorette skipped home on the cobblestone road, stopping to greet any townspeople she passed by. She loved getting to know everyone as they all have different and equally interesting stories to tell. She absorbed information, eager to learn about everything the world had to offer.

As she was about to round the corner into her quaint neighborhood, she stilled, hearing the whinnying of a horse and the sound of hooves hitting the ground at a steady and slow pace. She turns to see a lone horse breezily making it way through the woods.

She wouldn't have thought anything of it, but the beautiful inky mare still had its tack on and no rider in sight. The girl frowned, walking up to the horse in the woods as it slowed down.

"Hey girl, where's your owner?" she cooed, hoping not to spook the horse. "I'll wait with you here for a little bit to see if your owner finds you. Would you like some food?"

As if answering her question, the mare nickers, nudging Amorette impatiently, causing her to forcefully step back. The mare was taller and much larger than her puny frame and height that hardly hit five feet. Sometimes to humor herself she told people she was 5'1.

"Hold on!" she scolded with a giggle. "I have to get it out of my backpack." She pulls her bag off her shoulder and unzips it, pulling out a ziplock back of leftover bread from her breakfast this morning. That was her last meal as she often forgot to eat when shes busy; a horrible habit she was often scolded for. As she was reminded of her eating habits, her stomach growls at the thought of food.

"We can share," she tells the horse, even though she can't respond. What can she say? She liked conversation. The girl pulls apart the bread, laying half in her flat hand as she offered it to the horse. Her new friend ate the bread up happily as she herself eats her share of her leftovers.

Amorette had never really interacted with horses all too often. The only interactions she had with the large animal were when she crossed paths with the palace soldiers who frequented the village. She didn't know this, but the soldiers were always looking forward to seeing her, as she was a bright spirit who radiated the same energy as the sun. She was always kind to them.

Amorette hopes that the horse's owner wouldn't be upset with her for feeding their horse. She knew some people were finicky with that and she couldn't bear it when people were angry with her.

"Good girl." She strokes the mare's neck, blowing on it when she sees the sweat building up under her beautiful dark mane. "Is it okay if I braid your hair?" Amorette grins up at the mare, running her hand through the horse's coarse, black mane. Although knowing that she wouldn't really answer, she felt she should ask anyways.

As if somewhat understanding the girl's request, the black mare snorts and bobs its head back and forth. Giggling, she begins to braid the mare's mane in little braids, unable to tie them off because she doesn't have any extra hair ties with her. The braids seem to be staying just fine by themselves, though.

The horse nudges her again. She lets out another giggle, showing the horse her empty hands.

"I'm sorry! I don't have any more food." The girl stands on her tippy-toes to kiss the tall horse's forelock and the horse lets out a sound of content in return, blowing out her sweet-smelling breath onto her.

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