Chapter III- Backwards Thinking

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^^The octopus Amorettes friend made her

Note: This story is not set in an actual place in real life. Of course, there are languages that exist in real life (Eg; Spanish, French, English, etc), but its a fictional setting. There are all the other existing continents and countries though. Just imagine this as a new country that I created lmao. This is also set in modern times. :) Happy reading.



Sybils arms strain as she smoothly eased herself over the window sill and into her room, brushing the dust and horsehair off her pants as she stood. She scanned the room, thankful that her family hadn't noticed her absence. A cold draft brushes her skin so she quickly shuts the window behind her, and closes the curtains as she goes.

It wasn't as if her sneaking out was a rare occurrence. As a matter of fact, it happened quite often. Her family got tremendously worried when she left, as there were constant threats aimed towards the royal family and its advisors.

Sybil would always feel some sort of guilt in the back of her mind when she left to go out on her adventures but she couldn't contain the feeling of freedom that being out on her own- with her horse of course- brought her. She didn't have guards stiffly trailing behind her everywhere she went.

She lazily walked towards the bathroom and stripped, stepping into the hot shower and washing off the day's grime. She also couldn't help but think back to the red-headed beauty.

A throaty chuckle couldn't help but bubble out of her. Cupcake didn't like anyone- other than Sybil, of course- so how little Amorette was able to even feed her without getting her arm torn apart like pulled pork was both astonishing and comical.


"Where the hell were you, Amy," Amorettes brother whisper-shouted angrily. "You don't know what could've happened." He clenched his jaw, folding his arms across his chest.

The girl in question stood in front of the door, looking down shamefully as she toed the old wooden floor of their small cabin with her roughed up converse. "I'm sorry Lach, I got caught up. Someone's horse got loose, I was trying to help." She pouted, rubbing with her earlobe out of nervousness.

Lachlan sighed, running a hand down his face in exasperation. He knew he couldn't be mad at his sister for her helpfulness. She could be walking home on two broken legs and she'd still stop to help someone if they needed it. "You're going to give me a heart attack one day, I swear," Lachlan mumbles. "Come here." He motions for her to hug him.

Without needing to be told twice, the small girl wraps her arms around her older brother's waist as he mumbles into the top of her head. "At the very least, please, please text me if you think you're going to get home late. You know I worry. It's not the safest out there, especially nowadays."

After a long moment, the siblings pull away from each other. Lachlan laughs. "Come on ass face, I made dinner. It's your favorite- Lasagna." Amorette pouted at his crude nickname. She greatly disliked cursing but she gave up trying to get her brother quit a while back as it only ended in her losing the battle.

She scanned the room, mood dampened once she realized her father wasn't present once again. "Dads still out?"

"Yep. Don't even know what that old man is up to." He rolled his eyes as he pictured his father getting wasted without a second thought of his children at home. In his mind, once they turned eighteen he was no longer obligated to give a shit. Not that he did before they were eighteen anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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