The School Part 2

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(Author's note: I'm back! Finally with another chapter this picture above is a flower I drew with a pen for my dad. This chapter is a roller-coaster for me now on to the story!)

   He flew over the town both him and his dragon side looking for the culprits to enable revenge, but he found nothing. He still looked for hours until he was to tired. When he landed he couldn't stop himself from crying he huddled himself on the ground in the corner and cried his heart out. When he awoke the next morning his dragon side was still angry but thought it would be better to find out why. So he calmed the man down and told him to investigate and he did.
    He found out about how the children showed their abilities to the school. He was angry and went to the mountains and said "WHY?! JUST WHY WAS THERE NO SCHOOL FOR KIDS LIKE MINE!?" Then he thought if there was no school for these kids then he'll create on ... for them in memory of his own children the children he failed to protect. So he set out to create this school. He found many people like him who's gone through tradagy. He finally made it the school his children should have been at.
    Now to name it he thought of a name his child mentioned once she was 6


"Daddy, Daddy!"

"Yes my baby girl?"

"What would you think if there was a school where all the special kids go and they called themselves legends?"

"Hmm. This sounds amazing but what would you call this school?"

"School Of Legends of course!"

"Are you really my daughter?! You are to smart to be my daughter!"

"Hahaha of course Daddy!"

(Flashback over)

  He smiled and cried at the same time thinking of that moment so he took the name. School Of Legends or if abreveated S.O.L
When he opened the school he told everyone "This school is a safe haven to all those children that has gone through so much pain and suffering. There will be no pain, no suffering, no matter what rank you are. We are all equal here! We will take in the orphaned. We will take care of all the special children in need. They are more important than us. Why? Because they are the next generation." And with that the school lived up to the speech they helped any child they came across. They kept things equal. No record of bullieing. The became famous amongst the creatures in only a few years. And that was the story of how this school started next you will read about Estrela's life in the school.

(Author's note: 452 words! There is another chapter sorry if it took long I am finally going to get my own room now I lived in the same room with my little sister ever since I can remember. Anyway Hoped you liked it Goodbye!)

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