Back To Reality

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     (Hey! I'm back with another
   chapter I also got a fan fiction   that I am just starting on thus is
  this is new for me soo on to the

      OK let's get to the here and now. I'm 16 I've been at the school since Jeffery found me. I still have not found the people who killed my family, but I promise I will. I now have a best friend named Adreona. Jeffery raised me and is teaching me how to be stronger so I can take my revenge. "Estrela!!"
     I turned and saw Adreona running towards me. Adreona is a brunette with emerald green eyes and is 5.8. I have platinum white hair with aqua blue eyes I'm a little smaller than her 5.7. Neither of us like being in the popular crowd. "What are you doing?" She asked. So I replied with a little nervousness she would know I was thinking about my past. 
    "Nothing, nothing at all!" Real smooth Estrela now she deffently know. She stared at me for a little while before she said. "You were thinking about your past weren't you." I then screamed at her. "Deffently not! I'm just .... staring at the sunset!" She then gave me a weird face. "You do know it is the middle of the day right? There is no sunset." She said. I gave up how could I say something so stupid? "Sorry but I still need to get stronger to take revenge." I said in reply.
      She hit me at the back of my head and said. "Stop having those thoughts and have some fun while your young! I mean. School is tomorrow!" I said back. "Oww ... fine what do you want to do?" She then said the worst thing posible.

"Let's go to the party Leon is throwing!"

(A/N: 272 words. Sorry if this is short. I hope you liked it though. Any way my fanfic I am making is about bnha or vigilante Izuku. It is called The Darkened Light.
I will be going now I hope you are all safe. Goodbye!)

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