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I remember it like it was yesterday. I walked into the apartment I shared with the most wonderful boyfriend ever! I noticed his coat was just thrown across the couch which was very unlike him. He always hung up his stuff knowing that it drives me insane when he doesn't. I work hard all day and the last thing I want to do when I come home is clean up after a full grown man. I set my things down and started walking to the bedroom. As I walked I noticed pieces of clothing littering the hallway.
'Maybe he fianlly did the laundry while I was at work.'
I opened the door and turned the light on. I was in total shock.
He jumped off my best friend and said "Bethany..."
I looked between them and said "H-How long has this been going on?"
Jessica sat up and looked at me.
"How pathetic. Are you going to cry?"
I will admit I was a very senstive person and I couldn't help it.
"This is why he wants me instead of you. You don't fight for him, you just cry and act like a bitch!"
I looked at Eric and said "How long?"
"Six months."
I felt tears sting my eyes and said nothing.
"W-We can work on this. We've been together for six years. I'm not going to throw all that away because-."
"Don't you get it?! We're done!"
I felt my heart break at that moment and I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to piece it back together. He walked up to me and I said "Please just...reconsider Eric."
He shoved something into my arms and I looked down. It was a bag of my things.
"I want you and your stuff gone by the end of the tommrow. Jessica will be moving in here."
I nodded and said "I'll be back for my things then."
I walked out of the house after grabing my purse and jacket. Thankfully I always carry my charger with you and a backup battery. I called my other best friend Malcom (he's gay).
"What's going on sweetie?"
I heard music in the background and said nothing.
"Sorry it's mine and Danel's date night so we're out clubing."
I felt the tears hit me again.
"What's with the water works babe?"
"Eric cheated on me."
"What?! Say no more! We're on our way to pick you up sweetie and we'll spend the night trash talking that moron!"
I hung up and they pulled up a half hour later. Malcom got out of the car and hugged me. Danel got out of the car and grabbed my bags. He said
"That guy doesn't deserve you sweetheart."
I sniffled and Malcom said "I'll call Jessica-."
I just sobbed louder.
"He cheated on me with Jessica! I just caught them in our bed!"
"Oh honey."
I got in the car and was taken to their apartment. I walked in and said "It will only be for a few days until I can figure out what to do."
"Stay as long as you need hon."
Malcom sat next to me and Danel produced my favorite flavor of ice cream with a spoon. I smiled and said "Thanks. Malcom is a lucky guy to have you."
I ate a spoonful and sniffled.
"That guy was lucky to have you sweetheart. He just lost the best thing he's ever had."
Danel put a movie in and sat next to me. I swear by the end of the night, I had gained an extra fourty pounds in ice cream but lost twenty from all the water weight.
"I didn't mean to ruin your date night."
"You didn't. That's what friends are for."
I looked at Malcom and said "Did you sleep with Eric too?"
He scoffed and said "Oh honey...don't get me wrong if he played for the other team I might have taken a swing at him before meeting you and Danel but after that nope. But alas that man is as straight as a ruler."
That made me feel better a little bit.
A few days later my mother came to visit and found out what happened. She insisted I come home with her after I checked all my accounts to see that he pretty much screwed over my credit so I couldn't even get my own place.
"I also want you to move back in so you could help me plan a wedding."
Like that's the thing I need at this point. Someone else's love to be rubbed in my face.
"Who's wedding ma?"
I looked at her and said "Your getting married? Haven't you only been seeing this guy for eight months?"
"Yes, but when you know you know."
I sniffled and said "What's his name?"
She smiled and said "His name is Alexander Delmonte and he's the kindest man you'll ever meet. You'll like him."
I looked at her and said "There's something your not telling me."
She blushed and said "He's slightly younger than me."
I raised an eyebrow and said "Like 46-49 age range?"
It wouldn't be that bad since my mother is like 51 years old.
"No. More like 26 years old."
My eyes almost popped out of my head.
"Mom! Since when are you a couger?!"
She made a face and said "I don't like that word."
Well tough luck mother because that's what you are!
"My step father is old enough to be my older brother! Isn't that strange to you?"
"No. Not really."
We spent the rest of the ride in silence.

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