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"We're going to hell."
He looked at me and said "Well if we're going we might as well have some fun doing it."
I scoffed and said "I'm serious! We can never do that again!"
He rolled his eyes and said "You keep saying that."
"Because it's true Alexander. Or should I say dad?"
He winced and said "No you should not. Unless you call me daddy then it's okay."
I shook my head and got dressed. I was filled with so much shame and I hated it.
"Where are you going?"
I glared at him and said "To church! I expect you out of my bed by the time I get back. My mom should be back any moment so I would hurry before she sees your necked ass runing out of my bedroom."
I grabbed my keys and went to the cathlic church a few blocks away. I've never been big on religion but...I did believe that there is something bigger than me and I wanted to have all my bases covered with the possible big guy upstairs. I walked in and a priest came over to me.
"Can I help you child?"
I looked at him and said "This is a judgement free zone right?"
He raised an eyebrow and said "I'm not the one to judge you my dear. God does all the judgement."
"Well he already knows what I did."
"It can't be that bad child. But I will not judge you. Step into the confession booth."
I looked at that small cramped space and said "I'm actually afraid of tight spaces. Can't we just talk out here?"
He nodded and took me to his office.
"What do you seek forgiveness for my child?"
I laid my head on the desk and said "I have no idea how to start this confession buissness."
He chuckled and said "First timer?"
I nodded.
"Just say what you need to. I can tell it's killing you."
I sighed and said "I've commited a sin."
"Tell me."
"I had relations with my soon to be step father."
I heard his breath catch in his throat and I said "I know! It's bad!"
"Not as bad as you think child. How long has it been happening?"
"Only this one time!"
He said "Three hail marys."
"Thank you."
I stood up and said "This stays in this room right? No chance of anyone else hearing about this?"
"Not at all."
"Thank you."
I walked out but not before doing that cross thing with the holy water. Like I said I'm trying to stay in the big mans good graces. I just need to figure out what Hail Marys are.

I walked into the house and heard "Where did you go Beth?"
I looked at my mother and said "Church."
She looked worried. I hadn't been to church in a very long time. She didn't approve of me not going but she could never make me go. She went faithfully! I swear this woman is so saintly that if Mary didn't brith Jesus, my mother would have been the next best choice.
"Why did you go there?"
I looked at my feet and said "I've just been feeling so lost since the break up and I needed some guidence. I didn't want to rain on your wedding plans."
She came over to me and said "Oh sweetie. I might be getting married but I'm your mother first and foremost. If you need to talk to me you can come to me right away. I don't care what time it is or what happened. Okay?"
I smiled and hugged her.
"I love you mom."
She kissed my head and said "I love you too baby."
I went upstairs and pulled out the box for the morning after pill. There was no way in hell I was risking a baby out of this nasty situation. I made sure to set my alarm so I could take the pill later. I got in the shower and sighed. I got out and put on a pair of baggy sweats and a extra large shirt I stole from Michel. I walked into my room and jumped when I saw Alexander standing there. I said "How can I help you?"
He took the box from behind his back and said "You should really hide this better before your mother finds it."
He threw it on the bed. Was it me or did he sound dissappointed?
"Thanks for the advice. Is that all you wanted?"
He crossed his arms and said "Your not on birth control?"
I glared at him and said "No, I'm not. In my defense I didnt expect to have sex with my step father."
He glared at me and said "What if I take that away from you?"
He reached for the box and I said "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me. You know how your mother feels about these pills."
I ran and picked it up.
"What do you want?"
He walked up to me and said "You're going on the pill first thing in the morning."
I scoffed and said "No I'm not. I have no reason to because it won't happen again."
I slipped the box into my underwear drawer and shut it.
"Get out."
"I said get out!"
I shoved him out of my room and shut the door.
"This isn't over Bethany!"
"Yes it is!"
I heard my mother's bedroom door open.
"What's going on babe?"
"Nothing darling. Just a little disagreement."
"Oh. I hope everything is okay?"
"We'll work it out."
I stripped my bedding off and threw it away and put my new bedding on. No way was I going to sleep in our jucies and get Alex coodies all over me. I laid in the bed and sighed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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