Pranks for Days, actually for a Day

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A/N Yes you are Welcome because they will annoy Aizawa so much he will set the dorms on fire.


Narrators POV

So Flashbacks on April 1st or as we all love to call April Fool's Day.

Bakugou was still mean.

Where Aizawa still had his long luciuos hair.

And the Toga, Touya, and Oboro were still planning their escape

Specifically Joke's Favorite holiday next to Christmas and her Birthday with Aizawa's Eri's and Shinsou's included(PS my Mom and Sister have the same birthday and it's on this day 😂)

It was an eventful day, full of pranks and unnecessary destruction.

But it was all worth it just to try and prank Aizawa.

The man was basically impossible to be surprised.

He always was one step ahead, on every surprise birthday he would have he always knew(Except the one with the Bad dreams he had).

And everytime they scare him on Halloween he just rolls his eyes, and one time a kid tried to scare him Aizawa looked at him in the eyes with his Hair floating! The kid had a trauma because of it.

And when everytime Hizashi or Oboro tried to prank him he would just either find it out eventually and even prank the other two himself(On their highschool days since Oboro was still not here yet).

But this was a huge exception. And it all started with the question "What will be Sensei's reaction if we prank him hard?"

It was asked by none other than Kamanari, the Master Pranker or Pranked Master.

He was just wondering since it was Their Family tradition to prank each member. And since he considers Aizawa as a secondary dad he told himself "Hey what's not to lose?".

This question made the students wonder.

"Maybe he'll be shocked?" Kamanari Thought.

"Jump up from surprise?" Tsuyu wondered.

"Run like a coward?" Iida asked himself.

"Probably explode like a stupid idiot" Bakugou smirked.

"Maybe he'll embrace his inner darkness" Tokoyami thought.

"Maybe he'll sleep it off?" Shinsou wondered.

Each one of them thought of his reactions until someone knocked on the door.

It was Ms.Joke and Eri accompanied by the Devil himself, Mr. Aizawa.

The students Thought this was a great chance since Ms.Joke is a master prankster and Eri can be a distraction.

So they started planning everything with Joke and Eri as Distractions and the students as the prank planners.

It was a mess. Glitter bombs on the floor, Water pails falling from the doors because of wrong placement, Fart Bombs were smelled all around the room, Whoopie Cushions exploding every minute, Fake Snot was all around the floor.

It was a total fest of pranks.

And they readied this much just in case Aizawa knew what was happening.

And he Defenitely did. He just walked through all of them without even triggering anything. Plus he knew that the class did it so he made them clean it all up.

Now back to the present, here we are at the dorms quite and not filled with any excitement at all.

Oboro and Hizashi were watching some horror movies and were yawning from the boredom.

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