Part 4

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I woke up the next day, and from the moment I opened my eyes my mind went straight to Evan. I had to go see him. I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor. I felt like my head weighed thousand pounds and I didn't want to get up. I accidentally fell asleep again on the ground, and by the time I got up and fixed myself it was already 2 in the afternoon. I needed to go see Evan, so I decided I would pack up some board games we always used to play, and I grabbed us some sandwiches so he didn't have to eat the hospital food. Soon I was with Evan, and he looked a lot better.He had some color in his cheeks again, and he was able to sit up when I walked in. "Hey Evey! Did you bring me food? I'm starving!" I laughed and pulled out the sandwiches. We talked while we ate, and afterwards we played a round of Uno. "Hey Evelyn? I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was stupid and crashed the car. I should have listened to you..." I patted his hand and said, "Hey. We're both alive. We came out of this and that's all that matters, okay? I love you Evan, just next time, actually listen to me." he smiled and said, "Hey at least one good thing came out of this. You met Austin and you have a date tonight!" I jumped off the bed. Oh my god, I forgot about my date! I looked at my watch and it was 6:25. Damn it! I'm barely going to have time to get home and get ready! "Evan, I'm so sorry I have to rush out like this, but I forgot about my date with Austin! I'll come by again later okay? " I was about to run out when he said, "Evey wait come back!" "What's wrong?" he looked up at me and smiled. "Please give him a chance. He seems like a really great guy, and just the fact that he helped us and is still here with you is astounding. Just try to have fun, okay Evey? You deserve it." "I'll try to okay? I promise." he grinned. "And then after the date you can back  and we can get a tub of ice cream and gossip!" I laughed and walked out. I rushed home. I took a quick shower, applied some makeup, tried to fix my hair.  Then came to what I was  going to wear. I looked in my closet, buy everything was way too casual for a date. I dug around for almost 10 minutes. Finally I found a cute blue dress that I bought a few months ago, but never wore. I put on some heels, because I knew that even with heels on Austin would still tower over me. I was ready, so I sat on the couch and was just waiting for Austin. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost 7:40. I sighed and started taking off my shoes, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Austin was standing there. He was out of breath and I let him into the apartment. "I'm so sorry I was late! I was running all around town to find you these." He held out a beautiful bouquet of lilies, roses, and sunflowers. It was such a strange combination of flowers, but I loved them. "Austin, you didn't have to do that!" Hr smiled at me. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You ready to go, Evelyn?" "Yea lets go." I locked up my place and we walked out to his car. He opened the door for me, then he got into the car and we were off. "So where exactly are we going?" "I made us some reservations at  a restaurant. Its my favorite restaurant so I hope you like it. And by the way, you look stunning." I blushed and said, "Thank to, you look pretty handsome yourself." He laughed and covered his mouth with his hand. He snorted while laughing and I swear, that was the most adorable thing I've heard in a while. "Oh my god, that was absolutely the cutest thing ever!" he blushed and said, "Really? I'm always so embarrassed when that happens. My last girlfriend hated it, so I would always try to not do that." I turned to him and said, "Well, she doesn't deserve to hear your snort." He gave me a lopsided smile and pulled into a parking lot. "Okay we're here." He went around and opened my door, and we walked into the restaurant. We were sitting down and we had our dinner. I loved the restaurant so much. It was a cozy little place with small tables, but they were spread out so people could talk privately. The lighting was very dim, and there was candles on the table. It was amazing, and I loved it. "So why did you ask me out, Austin?" "I felt like we had a connection. I felt like you were the one I was waiting for, and I couldn't let you get away" I felt my heart beat faster and I blushed. "It must have been fate that threw us together, Evelyn. And I really hope we get to spend a lot of time together." We finished our food, and after Austin paid we walked out. "Hey would you like to walk around in the park for a while?" I smiled. "That sounds absolutely perfect." We ended up at a little park, and it was amazing because the moon was full and the air was warm. He gently grabbed my hand and asked, "May I?" I nodded and we held hands as we walked through the park. I felt so at ease, and I didn't want to go home, but I had to work early the next day and... Screw it. I was enjoying myself, and I wasn't going to leave. We stayed like that, just holding hands and walking through the park, for almost an hour. "Hey, Evelyn? I think its time to take you home. It's late, and I don't want you to be tired tomorrow, okay?" "Mmkay, let's go." we drove home, and Austin walked me to my door. "I had a great time Evelyn. Maybe we can do this again some time soon?" I smiled. "I would love that, Austin." He let go of my hand and and stroked my face. "You really are beautiful..." He leaned down and he kissed me. I saw fireworks, and it was such a gentle kiss, but at the same time it was almost rough. He pulled away and whispered, "Goodnight, Evelyn." He walked down the hall, and I unlocked my door. I sunk down on the floor, with a smile plastered on my face. I couldn't wait to see him again...

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