Part 8

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I woke up the next day, with Austin still next to me, fast asleep. I stretched and sighed contentedly. Thank god I didn't have to work today, because if I did I wouldn't have gone just to stay with Austin. I turned around to look at Austin. Wow... How did I end up with someone so great? He's just so amazing, the perfect gentleman, and he makes me so happy. I reached out and started softly outlining his tattoos with my fingertips. He opened his eyes, have me a sleepy smile. "Good morning, beautiful." he said in a throaty voice. God, he sounded perfect. He reached out and started playing with my hair. "How about we just stay here all day? We don't work, and that storm sounds pretty nasty." just as he said that there was a long rumble of thunder and the rain came down heavier. "That sounds like a plan." I replied. We got up, still in our pajamas and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After we make about what felt like a thousand pancakes, we went back to bed. We watched about 3 movies, just laying in bed next to each other. He would play with my hair, and I would outline his tattoos. "You know what sounds perfect? Hot chocolate. I'll be right back. You want some , Austin?" he nodded and said please. I made the hot chocolate and had them in the mugs ready to go back to bed when my phone rang. Ugh, a phone call is not what I wanted right now. I somehow grabbed the two mugs in one hand, then grabbed my phone thinking that it might have been my boss calling me into work. Huh. It was Ella, so I decided to answer, and I was ready with an excuse if she asked me to hang out today. "Hello?" All i heard at the other end was someone sobbing. "Hellos? Ella? Ella! What's wrong?" she answered, but i could barely understand her. "Honey, i can't understand you." She took a shaky breath, and said, "It's Evan, Evelyn. We were at my place and he just collapsed. He's not responding and I'm at the hospital alone. Could you please come wait with me? Please, i can't be here alone." When she said that Evan had collapsed, I dropped the hot chocolate. Austin rushed over to me and asked what was wrong. "We'll be right over, Ella." I hung up and started crying. "Evelyn, what happened?" I kept crying and Austin hugged me tight and let me just cry. "Evan's in the hospital. He's not responding to anything and we need to go see him. Please." We put our coats on over what we were wearing and sped over to the hospital. Once we arrived, we found Ella in the waiting room crying. I rushed over to her and hugged her. "Have the doctors said anything?" she shook her head and said, "The doctors don't know why this happened. They said on his last appointment that he was clear, that there shouldn't be anymore complications. I just don't know what I would do it I lost him." she started crying again and I hugged her while Austin rubbed her back. "We can't talk like that. Evan is going to come out this, you guys are going to get married, travel, have kids, have a happily ever after. I promise." the crying subsided, and we sat there quietly. Almost an hour had passed, but we still waited there, because Evan was so important to all of us. All of a sudden there was something said over the intercom and there was a rush of doctors and nurses. We stood up and ran behind them, and I knew that we were all silently praying that they weren't running to where Evan was. Our prayers went unanswered. We watched as they tried to do everything. His heart beat on the monitor was weak, and then it flat lined. Ella screamed out, "No!!!" and fell to the floor sobbing. I sat next to her, sobbing equally as hard. "Call it." on of the doctors said. "No! Not yet!" the doctor grabbed the paddles and said, "Clear!" Evan's body jumped with the shock, but the line remained flat. "Clear!" he did it again. But this time something happened. His line was no longer flat on the monitor. It was beeping, a bit irregular at first, but them settled to a regular beat. There was a hush in the room. No one said a word for almost 5 minutes. We were all just staring at Evan, then at his heart monitor. Finally a doctor cleared his throat and said,"Uh well. This is nothing less than a miracle. We'll have to keep him here over night , but tomorrow im sure he'll be fine to go." Ella rolled her eyes at him. "Oh doctor is this happens again, are you just going to let him die?" The doctor said nothing and walked out. Soon all the doctors cleared out, but not before we thanked them all for saving Evan. Ella was at Evans side, stroking his face. "Oh my love... What would I do without you?" Austin and I stood back, letting her cherish this moment when they brought her love and my best friend back from the dead. I could only imagine what she felt. If Austin had been going through the same situation, I would be devastated. "Ella?" Evan was conscious and looked at Ella. "Evan? You're awake!" She kissed him so passionately that Austin and I had to look away. "How about we give them some time alone and we can go back to what we were doing?" Austin said with a suggestive smirk. I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. "That sounds great."

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