Chapter 3

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Ok, here ya go

Imma explain. The countries live in a city, all together. There can be people that are just a background, like an extra for a movie. They aren't a human, nor a country. They are just there. Each country has an area that represents their home country and culture. they can visit other areas, and its like one big community. The more power and size your country has, the bigger the chunk. The WORLD HEADQUARTERS is in the center of the city. 

if you're confused about anything, please let me know!

peace (for now)

Confederate's POV

I was walking through the American part of the city when I decided to do a favor for Ame, and get him some groceries so he wouldn't have to. The City, or just City, was separated into bits.  But only the big countries can get land. They can't have tiny ones getting away with a huge portion of the city. Or at least, that REAL countries.  I wasn't considered an country, more like a sibling. 

I strolled through America's part, and surprisingly, I really liked how he had chose to decorate it. With a mix of modern street art, cool building designs, and so many colorful shops. I think it really suits his personality. 

I was trying to remember what corner store that Ame said was where he got his food, when someone bumped into me, causing me to fall down. Stupid, stupid, Confederate. I chastised myself. Why'd you haf'ta bump inta the only person on the dang street?  I shake my head, and look over at the person that ran into me. He's tall, and he's got a funny hat. His flag is white, blue, than red, in stripes across his face. 

"Ah, I'm sorry." Whoa, he's got a funny accent. "No worries, y'all did nothing wrong." I tried for a smile, though something about the way this boy was staring at me, rattled me silly. (i am trying my darn hardest for a southern accent. and i am probably butchering it. Sorry to all the southerners out there reading my stuff!)

I got up and held my hand out to the strange fella. He hesitated, but grabbed it and heaved himself up. "Goodness!" I exclaim. "Y'all are 'bout as tall as a water tower!" He looked at me weirdly. Was it my accent? Yeah, probably. Dadgummit, and I thought we was getting along fine. He held his hand out. "I'm Russia." My ears perked up faster than you could say Love. Ohhh, so this was the infamous Russia that my brother always go on 'bout. I grin. Ame's 'little' crush wasn't something I was gonna tell this here Russia, no, no, no. I'll just tease the living daylights outa Meri when I get back. 

I shook his hand. "Confederate States of America, but y'all can call me Dixie."

Russia's POV

30 minutes before meeting Confederate

I sighed. Ukraine wanted apple pie, for some stupid reason. He insisted that I should be the one to go, and told me where to find a store. I don't know why he wanted pie, he's an идиот that way. I begrudgingly started walking to the area Ukraine said were famous for their pies. Again, Uki and Bella are forcing me to get them their food, those свиньи. 

I was walking, not looking where I was, when I noticed a change. Not like, bad, but, I don't know, different. I immediately looked up and around for my bearings. 

I was in a country's chunk, and it looked so, busy. 

This is what I imagine America's chunk to look like, but not with the buildings in the background, and a lot more street performances and art

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This is what I imagine America's chunk to look like, but not with the buildings in the background, and a lot more street performances and art.

There were so many colors, and so many different peoples. I felt slightly overwhelmed, and kinda wished I had stayed at home. I checked the address, and found I was near the shop. I started walking, maybe quicker than I imagined, and accidentally ran into someone, sending both of us sprawling. 

"Ah, I'm sorry." I say, casting an apologetic look at the poor person I ran into. I stopped. I have never seen this country before. He had three red and white strips, and a blue patch over his left eye. Like Ame's flag. I stare at him. He has a ring of stars on the patch, and is wearing a simple flannel and jeans, with lace-up boots. His eyes though. One was a bright green, and the other was a pale yellow. He had the same face shape as Ame though. 

"No worries, y'all did nothing wrong." Wow. I have never heard an accent like that, ever. He speaks English so I guess he's from one of the Allie's? He smiled at me, though I could tell he was a little hesitant. 

He helped me up, and I stood up, straightening myself out. (oh honey, ruski, you are FAR from straight. Sorry, couldn't resist.)"Goodness!" He said, looking up at me. "Y'all are 'bout as tall as a water tower!" I was embarrassed. Sure, I mean, I am tall, but it gets embarrassing when strangers compliment me. 

I held my hand out. Might as well get to know this small country. Was he even a country? Maybe a province or an organization. "I'm Russia."

He grinned, and shook my hand eagerly. 

"Confederate States of America, but y'all can call me Dixie."


He must have noticed my shock, and looked nervous. "S-so I reckon' y'all heard 'bout what I did back then...."

I stared at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

He jumped a bit, and looked at me with wide eyes. "Ya mean y'all haven't heard 'bout me?"

I shook my head. "Nope" I said, popping the 'P'.

He broke out into the widest grin I have ever seen. "G-great! We can get to know one another!" I smiled, but something was off about him. Not only did he look incredibly like America, he also looked, relieved when I didn't recognize him anywhere. "Are you related to The United States of America?" I asked him, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Yep, he's my brother!" I stared in disbelief. But, America already has brothers. "I'm his twin," Dixie carries on, oblivious to my stares. "I was hidden, and raised next ta' him." So that explains it. "Would you want to join me shopping?" I asked, wanting to learn more about this strange character. 

Confederate beamed.

"I'd love ta'"

идиот means idiot in russian 

свиньи means pigs in russian 

Hi. I'm tired. 

Tired of not being able to see my friends. Tired of the self-hate. Tired of hiding in my room to cry. Just, tired. I want to die, no, I want to be free. I don't want to take my life. I just want to be free of all the pain. 

well that was depressing. 




1,184 words dudes


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