from oyáyi - imagine the granadean arabesque

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I believe in serendipity. I believe in crossed paths and uncanny chances, even in hunches and intuitions. I believe in us.

I reckon the angels have written us in the book of lovers— suddenly we are the emblem of fated souls, maybe because we are the inevitable. Then I discovered we are thousand pages apart, but they whispered we are the transgressors and the doubted, we are the two souls heaven talked about.

All was graced and in order until the angels of love were battered by the heaven's whisper.

We are the reason for the chaos, but we are the beauty that broke everyone's noise— we are that resounding silence.

We are the past, the present and the future.

It's a miracle we conspired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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