2 | Him And I

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I glanced at Baekhyun and the old man Tim, and sighed. They were talking to each other in low voices with Baekhyun's occasional nod and Tim's wide smile, but I kept my distance from them. I wasn't really in the mood to chit chat with the bald man. Tim really looked happy with our alliance. Good for him.

"Your wife to be looks like she's going to fucking faint soon," Ryujin grumbled beside me and I sighed before settling my gaze on the girl, Tzuyu. I had always liked my women, furious, snappy who could give me chase and not that pathetic housewife type feeling. She looked like she was going to die on the spot, I mean I wasn't fucking killing her right now. Could she be anymore a pain in the ass?

"I think I have to spend many nights out after marriage," I mumbled and my sister gave me a disapproving look. Women. "I wanted someone fearless, not like her," I reasoned and she rolled her eyes.

"She's beautiful," Ryujin pointed out. "She may look innocent but you never know what lies behind the mask Tae," she said and I nodded, agreeing to her words because trusting someone's pretense wasn't something we were taught here. "Go. Talk to her."

I couldn't deny Ryujin and stepped forward but then the door opened and he walked in the next Capo of Mujabihan, Soobin. Damn he was tall. He nodded to Baekhyun in greeting and then turned to us. "Greetings to future Capo Mujabihan," I smirked and shook hands with him.

Soobin looked pissed for some reason. "Hello," he said in his cold voice before looking at Ryujin. "A girl for meetings like this?" he raised his brows at me.

"Any problem with my presence?" Ryujin lifted her chin up and stood beside me. I bit back my smile when Soobin's expression faltered. He must have not expected my sister to be that intimidating, but he should know that Ryujin wasn't like the girls from his shitty place. She was the pride of Sal-inja.

"Not at all," Soobin said and then nodded again before making his way to Baekhyun.

I glanced at Ryujin and she looked angry. Patting her shoulder, I gave her a look. We couldn't get involved in any fights with this gang because then Baekhyun would give us a very long lecture on controlling ourselves which we wanted to avoid on any cost. "I'll go to Tzuyu now."

My dear soon to be bride stilled when I made my way to her and she paled even more when I stood in front of her. She wasn't going to vomit on my suit, was she? "Hi," I smirked, enjoying her fear and she flinched back when I tried to take her hand for a handshake. Okay. This was bullshit. Sighing, I snapped my fingers in front of her and she looked up startled. "Go and have a glass of water. You need it," I muttered and she hurriedly walked away from there.

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