You, I Heart [End]

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“You may come inside, Lisa.” the taller woman would not move a limb since eyes took time beholding the magnificent masterpiece craved upon the very all of the palace. From the day she was born, wood, dirt and mess were what became the portrait.

A silky hand gracefully wrapped around her wrist “You have all the time for sight-seeing and I will guide you around. But for now, it is bedtime and we shall enter our bed-chamber.” Jennie glowed a smile to her wife.

Lisa smiled timidly while nervously scratching her nape. For the nth times, Lisa gasped as another piece of masterpiece came at her sight, Jennie's bed-chamber was massive that perhaps could fit more than three adults. Everything around was art that Lisa afraid to touch.

Jennie skipped to the bed and with such manner placing down her bottom on the white material—she flickered her eyes at Lisa, only to burst a fit of laughter “What are you doing standing there? Come here and be with me, my wife.” she softly patted the space next to her.

Nervous and foreign, the taller one never expects that such day will arrive. Just a few days ago, she was in shabby clothes and slumbering in the barn that the disgusting smell emanated from her cows. But today, a silky fabric comforted around her skin and many golden furnishings organized around her very existence.

Most importantly, days before, she has no one. Yet now, she has a wife that holding the notoriety of princess which is at the very moment calling her to sit down beside her on the gigantic, beautiful bed-chamber. This is no doubt a dream.

When Lisa sat down next to her wife, she ensured to leave a space with an arm distance. Jennie is magnificently beautiful that Lisa felt ashamed to let her eyes stave off to that such beauty “Does being with me bring discomfort to you, Lisa...?” the use of Jennie's tone was small and sad.

Her eyes held gloom and fingers playing with her sleep gown.

“Absolutely no! Your higne—I mean Jennie, I am afraid that my presence does not belong here. If you allow me to lay at the foot, I will find comfort. My body could taint your clean bed and disturb your peaceful sleep.” expressed Lisa in panic while holding the softness of Jennie's hand, in hoping could chase that thought away.

Jennie admired their lace of hands “Oh Lisa, it was very humble of you...your heart is such a pure kind. I plea you, come to lay down with me. I am your wife, please do not be afraid to be comfortable with me.” she elegantly laid down on the half side of the bed.

Later, she held out her hand to Lisa. Lisa's beautiful manner only to make Jennie fell harder for her. No one has ever made her feel so in love like Lisa, she was very looking forward to the days later with her wife. The tall woman accepted Jennie's hand, then happily crawled on the bed and found comfort beside Jennie.

“Lisa..?” Jennie whispered out to her wife “Jennie..?” Lisa whispered back, caused an erupt of chuckle let out from Jennie. The smaller one laid the side of her head upon Lisa's chest. And her arm across Lisa's middle. Jennie heaved a content sigh as she could hear the soothing beat of Lisa's heart.

“Please hold me close...” Jennie quietly told, she could smell the fresh scent of flower that emanated from Lisa, it was such a relaxing thing. Lisa indeed held her wife close with one hand upon the small of Jennie's back and other hand cupped Jennie's head.

“I like the warmth of your body...” honest Lisa, traced her thumb in a circle upon the side of Jennie's waist. Jennie's heart fluttered to that small action and talk “hmmm yeah? I like you here...” replied Jennie with obvious sleepiness within her voice.

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