chapter 11

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Harper's pov:

We all had our own blankets to share with someone and i was sharing with Ruel. Heather was cuddled up with Coco. We were all in the living room and they were telling stories about Ruel.

"You know Harper when Ruel was four he had this alter ego named 'titi' he used my dresses and we would like do his hair" Coco said while she was playing with Heather's hair.

"He used to love my dresses back then" she smirked.

"I do not! I was only four!" He defended. Coco got her phone out and showed me a picture of a young Ruel with a flower behind his ear and his lips was puckered. I laughed loudly.

"You were a cute girl babe" i teased as he pouted his lips and pretended to be mad.

"Who is that?" Heather asked curiously pointing at Coco's phone.

"It's your daddy" She said to Heather while holding in a laugh.

She held a bewildered expression "That's not daddy" she laughed.

"You're right babygirl that is not me. As of this moment i hate all of you except for my Heather baby" he huffed as Heather made her way to Ruel and gave him a big hug.

"Don't be upset anymore daddy. I'm here with you now" she said laying her head on his chest.

He kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her tiny body "Thank you baby" he stuck his tounge out to everyone and closed his eyes.

"He's such a child" Kate muttered.

Ruel got off the sofa with Heather in his arms "If you don't mind I'll go to my room now with my princess. I won't sit here and let you guys bully me" he said sassily.

I chuckled under my breath and slightly shook my head at childishness. That's my boyfriend for you.

I followed him moments later. "Ruel" i dragged. I layed on the bed beside Heather.

He ignored me. I called him again and once again he ignored me.

I sighed "Fine be like that" i turned away from him.

I heard him quietly groan "Harperrrr"

I fought back a smile and ignored him as he called me again. I felt the bed shift as he got out.

He walked to my side and knelt down in front of me "Babe i can't sleep knowing that you're mad at me" he pouted.

I just looked at him without saying anything. "Now you know how it feels to be ignored. Why'd you ignore me Ruel when i literally called your name thrice?" I said.

"Because i wanted your attention" he murmured, i found it absolutely adorable that he wanted my attention, he's literally a baby, my baby.

I pretended that i didn't hear what he said "What was that?" I asked.

"I said i wanted your attention. If you haven't noticed you were like talking to my family the whole time, which i loved, but we barely talked and i don't think I've gotten a kiss from you for like 4 hours, which is like a week for me" he explained.

Oh God i can't handle his cuteness anymore. I pinched his cheeks lightly and pulled him closer to me, i pressed a kiss on his lips.

"I was only playing with you love, i wasn't mad at you" i told him.

He smiled and placed a long kiss on my lips and on my forehead.

"Goodnight babe" he said as he got on the other side of his bed.

"Goodnight titi" i snickered as he groaned.

Today went well than i expected.


"I'll help you Kate" i volunteered on going with her to the grocery.

"Aw thank you dear, I'll just start the car, you can go get ready" she told me.

I tried to get out of Ruel's arms around me but that only made his grip tighter on me. "Ruel i need to go get ready" i said trying to push him off me.

"But i wanna cuddle with you" he said, if you haven't noticed he's the clingy one in this relationship.

"We'll cuddle later ok?" I pressed a kiss on his nose as he let me go.

"Ok you better hurry. I'll miss you" he smacked my ass when i stood up.

I gasped "Ruel!".

He just smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and went up to our room and changed my lazy look into something nicer.

"Bye babe I'll see you later" i pecked his lips and went out the door.

We drove away from the house and drove to the grocery store.

"Ruel told me that you guys used to live in England, how long have you been here in Aus?" I asked Kate.

"We moved here when he was about around 3 years old, but we still go to England to visit our families there" she responded. "My eldest daughter Sylvie, was actually there, she's on her flight here right now with her fiancé" she said.

"Are they all close to eachother?" I looked at her.

"Yes, but Ruel is much closer to Coco than Sylvie. Have you got any siblings?" she asked.

"Yeah i have an older brother and an older sister" i told her as she parked the car.

We entered the grocery and i went to get a cart.

"You're the youngest?" She asked looking at me as i pushed the cart.

"Yes, they were actually the ones that supported me through my pregnancy with Heather"

She started to put a carton of milk on the cart "If you don't mind me asking where were your parents?" she asked.

I got tense when i remembered that my parents weren't really there at my first trimester to half of my second trimester.

"They didn't really took the news well when i told them about my pregnancy, i think what really got to their nerves the most is that the fact that my ex didn't want anything to do with me or Heather" i felt like i can tell Kate anything and she won't judge me.

She also asked me about my ex and i told her what happened.

"You're a strong woman Harper, you're amazing. Hope you'll stick around for a long time, now that i met you i don't want anyone else for him but you" she said whole heartedly.

"Thank you so much Kate" i was kinda holding my tears back. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Now let's continue shopping for grocery so that we can go home, your daughter must be missing you now and my son also" she chuckled.

I nodded my head in agreement and pushed the cart. I accidentally bumped into another cart.

"Oh! I'm so sorry" i apologized to the girl, she looks around my age.

"It's ok- Kate?" she looked at Kate.

They know eachother?


Who is she? A family friend perhaps? She had a ton of make up on her face but she's pretty

"Hi Kate! It's been a long time since i saw you!" she exclaimed pulling Kate into a hug. "I haven't really visited you since Ruel and i broke up" she said.



Another update! Thank you for everyone who's reading this story, and for everyone that voted and commented.

Uh oh they bumped into Ruel's ex. What do you will happen? Will Harper let it bother her?

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