Chapter 5

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" you all know, the yearly book fair is coming up. Optional for freshman and sophomores, but mandatory for juniors and seniors. First place partners get the Jenna Jones scholarships, founder of this here English class. $500 each to the college of your choice," drones on the nasally voice of Mrs. Wright.

This year, instead of blocking her out, I actually try to pay attention. This is my year. I'm going to get first place, probably  with Nicki.

"Now are the rules:
1. No more then two people to a group.
2. Each book report will be graded on the correct grammar and how well you grasped the concept of the book.
3. The deadline for the reports will be January of next year.
Any questions?"

"No," we all murmur.

"Good. You may pick your partners and start discussing what book you would like to do on your report."

Nicki and I lock eyes across the room as everyone else buzzes with excitement. She gathers her things and walks over to me. She walks right up to the person sitting in front of me and says, "Excuse me." The guy acts like he doesn't hear her. "Excuse me," She says a little louder. "EXCUSE ME!" Nicki rolls her eyes and drops her things on the floor. She grabs the back of his hoodie and pulls him towards her face. "I'M NOT SURE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME NOW, BUT I SAID EXCUSE ME."

"Fine Nicki. I'll get up. No need to be such a jerk about it," he mumbles.

I have to stifle my laughter as Nicki sits down. "You're very dramatic, you know that?"

"Oh hush," she says. "What book should we do?"

"How 'bout we do a classic?"

"That's fine with me. But which one," asks Nicki.

I ponder the question for a bit. "Well, we could do an Agatha Christie book? I read the Miss Marple series in 7th grade."

"I don't like mysteries," protested Nicki.

"What about Ivanhoe?"

"Lost you at Ivan."

"Sherlock Holmes?"

"Scotland Yard? No thanks."

"Ernest T. Hemingway."


"Do you even have a good reason for him," I point out.


"Nicki...I swear...," I mumble.

"Not nice to swear Cara."

"Shut the hell up."

Nicki just makes a face and suggests, "What if we just do Them Fault in Our Stars' by John Greene?"

"That's fine Nicki," I sigh.

I pull out my notebook and write down that title and author right as the bell rings.

Nicki and I go our separate ways to our locker. I meet Cali in the hallway and we walk together. "Guess what?"

"What?" I ask, mirroring her excitement.

"I told the boys that if they win the football game, they can pour water on us."

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"You heard me."

"Cali, they win every game," I point out.

"Let's make our life exciting Cara! It's our senior year!"

I sigh and shake my head.

"What're you doing for the book project in Mrs. Wright's?"

"Well," I start. "I was trying to suggest classics to Nicki, but she turned every one down. So now we're doing Them Fault in Our Stars'. Never read it, so I hope it's good."

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