Chapter 34

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Half Clark, half Cara. Play the song when you see this * above a paragraph.

Beautiful was an understatement. Cara could outdo anyone this earth.

I sigh and stand up from my chair. I'd put my phone in my back pocket and walk out of Club M.

I walk to my truck and pop the tailgate.

I take a seat on it and lay back, the cool metal and wind curing my flushed cheeks.

Buzzz. Buzzz.

I sigh and grab my phone to answer.


"Is my surprise part almost ready?"

I chuckle and sit up. "But isn't the whole point of a surprise party for it to be a surprise?"

"But what's the fun in that?" Cali asks.

I chuckle again and she sighs on the other end of the phone. "But seriously, is it? Sam's driving me crazy with all these stupid Barbie Princess movies he stole from Aliah. I don't even know why he's making me watch them! I'm turning 18 for Christ's sake."

I chuckle again and answer Cali. "Cara has gone to get the cake, she'll prolly be back in a couple minutes."


I'm grateful for Cali, I really am. She's Cara's best friend, but sometimes....golly. How does someone ever get a word in?

"How come you haven't kissed her yet?" She blurts from the other end.

I freeze and look down the road to see if Cara's coming. "I don't know what you're talking about," I mumble.

"Oh please," she retorts. "Either you and Cara have somethin' goin' on, or you're definitely hiding your feelings for her. Friends don't look at each other you look at her Clark."

"Amen!" someone else calls.

"Aww shut up Sam," I say. "But to answer your question, Cara and I are just friends. Nothing more, and we never will be."

"Aww," says Cali. "That's so sad. You really like her!"

"I don't!" I protest.

"But you do."

"But I don't."

"But you do," she argues still.

"But I don't."

"But you don't."

"But I do."

Cali snickers from the other end of the line.

"Sneaky sonofagun," I mumble.

"Okay," Cali says skeptically. "But from what Cara told me she doesn't see it that way."

"What did Cara tell you?" I ask, suddenly I interested.

"That she didn't know the meaning of Yet. But anyways, I'll be there in 30 minutes," she says before hanging up.

I set my phone down and chuckle to myself. I don't know what Yet is, but somehow it seems like a good thing.

And it has my heart soaring.
Cali invited the whole. Dang. Senior class.

Not even joking.

I'm seeing everyone from my grade here. From nerds to jocks (I'm sorry if I have offended any of the nerds and/or jocks out there).

Well, no one's drunk yet so that's good.

Cali picked the playlist has everything ranging from rap to country.

Clark appears in front of me suddenly and hands a party cup out to me.

I take it and offer him a a grateful smile as he sits beside me.


I turn to him and smile. "So?"

"How do you like the party?" he asks.

"It's fine," I say.

Clark nods to Cali and Sam sitting together at a table by themselves with Sam's arm around her. "They look happy."

I suddenly have a...wonderful idea.

I'm a freaking genius.

I smirk at Clark and his face falls. "Oh no, what do you have planned?"

I casually smirk and walk up the the sound booth where the music is playing.

I grab the mic and say into it, "Would the birthday girl and Sam please make their way to the dance floor?"

Everyone turns to look at them and they shyly make their way to the floor.

*I start Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton (which Cali requested) and they start to dance, oblivious to the rest of the people around them.

I move down and everyone else starts dancing.

I see Clark come over to me and I smile. "May I have this dance," he asks cheekily.

"You may," I laugh.

Clark and I move to the floor and he puts an arm around my waist and grabs my other hand. I put my free arm around his neck and gaze out at all the couples as we say to the music.

"Do you ever wish that you and Clay had ended up better?"

I turn to Clark and notice the uncertainty in his eyes. "I don't," I sigh. "Yes, he was maybe the closest I've ever gotten to a guy who's asked me out, but in the end...I don't think he was the right person."

I hear Clark sigh and I turn back to him. "Do you think I could have a go at the position?" he smirks.

I lay my head in the crook of his neck and chuckle. "I don't know. I think I'll have to consult Marie Jo on that one."

"Then I've got this in the bag," he jokes back.

I bring my head up and look at him, and for a moment, it's just us. No one else, just us.

Clark gives me a smile and I lay my head back on him.

I don't exactly know what Yet is, but it has my heart soaring.
YES!!!! I'VE WANTED TO GET HERE FOR SO LONG!!! If you didn't know, I have six stitches in my times, right? *laughs exhaustedly*. It's really gross, and it's sore. Ciao for now!!

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