Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V. :

Can anyone in this beautiful world apprise the series of decisions that they can take for their future, which will not divert their life in a wrong direction? If NO, why not?

I am fed up with this questions which I really wanna know. But there is no way I can make all my mistakes right. And I know that. And on the other hand how pathetic it is to mourn over and over again, each and every day for past 5 years with same cause, which I can't make right.


This man took my all happiness with him. Why it had to be me?

I should be blamed here. Wanna know why? Well if I was not that naive, and I could had only resist his charm or spell to spread on me then I would have in a better place. I was under his mysterious charm to see the real scene with him. I fell for him. Rather can say that fell hard for him. But alas! reality ruined my life.

The best I could have done was not giving him a chance to give us his fake apology and lame explanation, to break us more. After-all we are on a hiatus for him.

But above all I still miss him. Miss him so much that every night when went to sleep, I pray to get him back. For what? To rerun same mistake, which I did once.

But look at my life's biggest truth, he is happy with a model, who cheats always on him. Where I doubt the baby she is claiming to be ZAYN'S, even from him or not. Whole industry knows the truth about Gigi Hadid and her ongoing several relationships, except one certain mentally blind, egoistic, and so called intelligent man ZAYN.

I guess this is the true love, which he has for Gigi. Anyways how can be I so much of a hypocrite, where I am still doing same towards him?

I came out from mind of mine with incoming FaceTime call.

"Hey tommo" I stated with my same monotonous voice.

"How many times we have to say that stop moping over someone who does not deserve you attention even 0.000000001 fucking percent HAROLD?"

"Well stop saying then. End of discussion. Easy. Simple but Effective solution for all of you."

"Uff same old tactics, I see. But it's okay. Ask me why!"

"Why tommo?"

"Because we all  are having a video conference conversation later, and guess what?"

"I'm not having this conversation for sure, but go right ahead and say what.."

"This time the SATAN ZAYN himself will be there to play a major role himself in this conversation. So yeeeeeeepppppeeeeeee."

"Say whaaaaaattttttttttttttt??"

And this is forced end of my chilling time with tommo..

Hah! What Louis thinks of himself?? The Prince of UK? That whenever he will call Zayn will pick up? What the helllllllll!!!

By the way, who's the proposal maker?? I know for a fact Louis will not willingly do this. By judging the reaction all of us gave that day, doubt Niallar will also give this idea.......

Biggest question now if it is Lima bean, then why? All of sudden, after 5 years of my misery?? WHY??

I know dialling Lima's number will not help me for even 1 sec. straight. But there is no lose to try my luck out for once I guess.

"Hey Harry... Whatsapp??"

"Hey, How are you doin'n? How is the cute, little ball of sunshine of yours?"

"Bear is doing pretty good than I expected. You know I told Cheryl not to meet me this time for precautionary measures. Though missing him badly. What about you?? Yesterday you didn't pick up the conference call. Why??"

"Ummm..... yesterday... umm don't know, I was busy writing I guess?"

"You don't know what you were doing or you don't want us to know Harry? Who, you are thinking, is fool between us?? Even that day Lizzo was asking me about you lad. Please for once stop fooling yourself. Please do this favour to yourself just one time. Attend the conference call tomorrow please, because for once HE is getting a chance to give us explanation, which we owe absolutely, just hear him out."

"Why? Why now Liam?"

"Because for your own sake, for our sake, for O,NE DIRECTION's sake, for fan's sake. How many reasons you want? Beside I personally feel, we needed to hear him out for once. Anyway it doesn't matter what I think. But thing is you for sure know, that he is happy with his life? Is any of us know? Were we tried? NO. So he also owe us to give him a chance to have a say. It only be fair that way."

"Does Simon know?"

"Please Harry do not say a single word to him. You know how gold digging, self centered, heartless, real pain in ass he can be. Beside who knows he didn't pressured him as well as he did to you?"

"Is Zayn okay with that? Beside who called him? You?"

"Harry he didn't change a bit, starting from his phone number to his ringtone. What changed is his voice tone. It was monotonous, anxiety filled, literally guilt dropping from it. Sorrowful and lonely as well."

"I guess...........(*sigh..........sigh again*) ummmmm......... okay. Will be there. Send me time and date. I guess later lad."

"Bye.... and oh wait... ummmm....... take care, try not to think about it much. Love yaa..."

I guess there is no turning back now...

Again it is a new start of another chapter. Though don't wanna assume the future turnings and bumps of pathways of my new life chapter.

They say, if there is no hope, no life. Indeed it is a new dawn light in my past 5 years of never ending dark life.

I hope you will not fucked up this time my ZAYN. Still love you.


Dear lovely readers, it is my first ever story, I am writing in social media for not only the people I know to read, for literally strangers, who love to read stories. So if there are mistakes, please let me know. Also let me know how you all fell about the story telling, storyline or if it has been able to connect in an emotional level with you.

And all writers need encouragement. Any form of encouragement will be appreciated.

Love ya..

Thank you loads..



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