Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV*****

I woke up to someone nudging me. I ignored it and snuggled further into the warm pillow I was laying on. " Lauren " someone whispered in my ear. " Lauren, we are almost in Vegas so you might want to see this." the person said.  I finally recognized the voice as being Phil's so I opened my eyes to see that the warm pillow I was laying on was actually Phil.

I quickly sat up and stretched a little. " Looks like sleeping beauty has awoken." Stu said from beside me. I ignored him because I was amazed by the lights and music of the Vegas strip going by. I felt someone staring at me and I turned and saw Phil looking at me. 

I could only wonder what was running through his mind. 

Phil's POV*****

I looked down at Lauren. She looked stunning as we were driving down the strip with wonder and amazement within her grey eyes. Finally she caught me staring at her and I smiled. She blushed and turned away.

" Welcome to Caesar's Palace" Doug said as he pulled up to the massive hotel. We all piled out of the car and I grabbed my bags and I helped Lauren with hers. I then wrapped my arms around her waist as we started walking to the entrance. Doug handed the keys to the valet and we headed inside. 

Two girls wearing practically nothing walked past and it caught my attention. Yes they were pretty but nothing compared to Lauren. "There ya go!" I said and they smirked at me and I looked at Lauren but she had a look that almost looked like jealousy. 

She rolled her eyes at them and nudged me a bit to get a move on.  I looked down and smirked and she walked ahead hips swaying as she went. We walked up to an open checkout counter and Lauren was already there waiting like we took forever. 

" Hi welcome to Caesars Palace. Checking in?" the girl at the counter said.

" Yes, we have a reservation under Dr. Price." Stu said but I rolled my eyes. I heard Lauren and Doug snicker behind me because they know I hate him for calling himself a 'Dr" when he is only a dentist.

" Dr. Price? Stu, you're a dentist, ok don't try and get fancy!" I said with annoyance. Stu argued back with " It's not fancy if it's true!".

I saw the girl attending to us smile ,amused with our banter. " He's a dentist, don't get too excited. And if someone has a heart attack you should still call 911." I told her with a smirk so she would be 'aware'.

Then Alan spoke up "Can I ask you a question? Do you know if the hotel is pager friendly?" but the girl looked confused as did everyone else. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter at Alan wondering what stupidity would come next. 

" What do you mean?" the girl questioned " I'm not getting a sig on my beeper." Alan replied. God what is up with this guy. I ignored Alan until he shut up and the girl said " So I have you in a 2 bedroom suite on the twelfth floor, is that alright?" 

Doug was quick to respond with a "Perfect!" but I spoke up with " actually I was wondering if you have any villas available?"

"But Phil we're not even going to be in the room! It's unnecessary! It's no big deal, we can share beds for one night!" Stu replied. " 

"If we are sharing beds, I'm bunking with Lauren." Alan said and I felt a feeling of overprotectiveness wash over me. I was about to shut that down but Lauren said " I wasn't planning on letting my multi-million dollar body sleep on the couch or a cot and I'm not sharing a bed with two of my friends, one I'm fine with, what are we twelve?!"

" Yeah that's not going to happen! We have a celebrity in our mist." I said. I looked at the girl's name tag. "Lisa I apologize how much is the villa?"

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