WILD HEARTS - Part 1.2 The Savior

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"I'll be a decoy in this situation so you've got to be very careful Peter!" murmured by Marco. " I thought you will never come Marco?". Asked by Mark his face kinda serious at the moment he approaches Marco ."No!.I just came here a minute ago". Nervously said by Marco with a sweaty white shirt and gently look in every direction of his eye can go." Hey Marco". Yelled by a young man with a cartoon character cap with a glass." What is it nerd". Asked by one of Marco's gang who is infront of the nerd boy."I saw two people running towards the the wrecked car towards the abandoned house". Exclaimed by the nerd with a cap. And the gang hurried with some of flashy thing that they have to find Kimberly."Nice eye sight four eyes". Teased by Mark. And they split up like an ants spreading the place where gently surrounding the intire place like an army looking for the wanted person. " Hey Marco! I realize that you came here before we can get here first so are you protecting that girl?". Rebuked by Mark"."Hey are you accusing me that I let her ran away so you can't find her where she'd have been". Bellowed by Marco with his hand shaking nervously. "Hey dumbass if I found what you have dealing with I'll kick your ass".
Snapped by Mark that is nodding for something". And the gang can't find or traces of something that is suspicious." Ok guys lets move out maybe that girl has gone from this place". Shouted by Mark scratching his head while walking away. And the place were back to a calm and quite place.

"Hey Kim I know you're tired lets take break for a moment".Gasped by Peter with a pouring sweat in his adorable neck." Yeah maybe we can go to that gasoline station where there is a mini mart we can buy something". Concluded by Kim while wiping his sweat. And Peter staring on Kimberly adorable fashion cami top with a skinny jeans. And Peter approches Kim's waist and kissed Kim without hesitation."Hey! Hey Peter are you daydreaming?, snaped out of it letz go before someone sees us ok".Commanded by Kim." Oh sorry for that! Ok lets go". Agreed by Peter while smiling.

And the two Head to the mini mart and buy something to eat and something that they can bring to the place were Marco been saying.

" Hey son where are you?". Calmly Asked by Roland in the phone." Hey dad I'm in the middle of an errand right now check you back later! See you". Assented by Peter.blink. " Hey Kim we go?". "Don't make any sudden move boy or i"ll slice her throat". Gasped by a tall man wearing a tight coat while holding the right shoulder of kim and on the other hand a knife near the throat of kim so that Kim can't move." I know this woman are being searched by their parents and have a huge bounty in her head so I'm very lucky today that I'm the one who caught you, because your face is on every street that can anybody see, so don't do anything stupid young boy or else you will not get a tip from me!, haha ha" and suddenly the man got spanked in the head and fell in the ground and Peter and Kim was shocked on what just happened and saw a young boy with a hood with a curly hair and fearful face and the color of his eye was like a sky, holding a brown and hard break that he used to knock the man out. Peter ran to Kim and asked" Are you ok Kim"."" Yeah I'm alright, but wait is that you Clint Dempsey?". Asked by Kim who's scared on what just happened. " Don't thank me fo that". Declared by Clint and just walk away and sighed. " Who's that boy Kim?". Bellowed by Peter." He's a friend of mine at Los Angeles","We better leave this place". Interrupted by Kim.

And the two arrived at the place
And noticed some of things scattered aroud the area and some furniture that are in place.

"What a huge place we've got here". prounounced by Peter." Yeah I know I didn't know Marco have this big place". Amused by Kim.

After an hour

Knock knock " who is that?"asked by Peter while slowly getting the baseball bat at the side of chair and open the door and attempting to swing the bat. " Hey hey it's me Marco! bro". Yelled by Marco. " oh sorry for that Marco I thought you are somebody" chuckled by Peter. " Welcome to my place guys, this is the best place to plan a your biggest revenge to your parents Kimberly, and about the things that you've tell me I've got it and I distributed the invitation to the oldies". Emphasized by Marco." Nice Bro so we are all set, but wait there's something that we didn't have". Presumed by Peter."What is it?". Asked by Marco." A fake gun". Said by Peter." I have a real gun in the basement". Replied by Marco." No bro I need a fake gun". Presumed by Peter." I know someone who has a fake gun you want". Suggested by Kim." Hey guys I bought some foods for us, but Peter you better go home because your father is so very worried about you and he want you to stop by at the restaurant". "Yeah bro after we dig the food up".replied by Peter.

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