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I'd been staring out my window for almost an hour. Noises of the night were drowned out by the loud crash of raindrops. The street was empty and dark, except for the parts illuminated by every house's porch light. Inside their houses were pitch-black. Nobody was outside accompanying the furious storm, and with good reason. They are all in their homes, warm and spared of worry, contrary to my situation: an anxious heart waiting for his boyfriend to come home. I doubt he'd be home though, with this weather tonight and his new routine of coming home late.

He had been doing that for weeks. And when he would come home, he sneaks through the door and slips himself under the covers, hoping he wouldn't stir me. But he did, every time. No matter how quiet his footsteps are, his heart beats so fast, you'd think a marching band had let themselves in with the percussionists on the forefront.


One morning, after three nights in a row, I asked him why he's home late for those recent nights. He'd always go frantic, running about the house grabbing items he needed for work. "I'm running late, babe," he said, his hands inside his briefcase, "Can't we talk about this when I come home tonight?"

I twitched, cupping my hands together under the table. My eyes followed him around while he shoved a few documents in his briefcase, frowning as he did so. "But you've been home so late, I'd always fall asleep waiting for you. Can't you at least come home early tonight?" I begged him, sounding desperate for an affirmation.

"Just... not now, babe. Things are pretty hectic at work."

I let down my head. I heard him sigh and he drew closer to me. He cupped my cheeks and lifted my head. I was met with those gorgeous baby blue eyes that made me melt since I first laid eyes on it. But now, it's staring through my soul with pity. "Look, I need to finish a few more things at work. Next week, you'll have me all by yourself. Okay?" His voice was gentle and his smile was so warm that it heated up my weary heart.

As crazy as it was, that's all it took for him to convince me. I nodded and smiled as well, but I felt like he saw through my doubts. Nevertheless, it satisfied him. Looking back at how easily I took up his words, I regretted being fooled so plainly like that.

He then kissed me. His lips were so soft, so full of warmth, but I felt empty. It felt forceful and unconvincing, but I brushed it off thinking it was just my temper.

He grabbed his suitcase and made his way out the door. He gave me another kiss before getting in the car. I watched him by the door as he drove off. I felt a surge of sadness as soon as he was out of sight, like it had been waiting in the shadows before making their move. I carefully closed the door.

When the lock clicked, a switch inside me was immediately turned on and I felt my eyes began to well up. I buried my face on my palms and sobbed. I had suspicions about what he was doing and I could not gather up my courage to confront him. I lack the evidence to do so, and I'd look like a fool accusing him empty-handedly. Perhaps I was waiting for his confession to either confirm or deny all my delusions and cynical thoughts. But it seemed like I got the answer a few days later.


One night, while I was in the living room, browsing an array of movies on Netflix, I heard a car pull up. I looked at the time, but it was still so early for him to be home. Before I checked the front porch, I lowered my expectations, thinking it's just the neighbors. But when I turned around and checked through the window, it really was him. Home, earlier than usual. I didn't hesitate and went straight out of the door and onto his arms. In turn, he swung me around and carried me inside the house. It was a silly little gesture but it made me so happy.

For The Days To Come (A Danny Gonzalez & Drew Gooden Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now