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The car broke down and I'm stranded in the middle of the empty road in the pouring rain. I called Kurtis but it just led me straight to his voicemail. I cursed so hard, punching the steering wheel while doing so. The car horn repeatedly sounded off but the noise was drowned out by the heavy rain. I didn't have a raincoat or an umbrella. I was hesitant to leave the car in the road unattended. If Kurtis could have had his god damn phone on, I'd book it out in this storm and head home to my worried boyfriend.

I was going to redeem myself this night after those weeks of stalling and overtime at work. I've been so absent at home. I felt Drew's worry for me, his eyes begging for an explanation to why I rarely engage in our regular nightly gimmicks, but I couldn't tell him. Not that early.


One morning, after three nights into my nightly endeavors, he asked me why I was coming home late. I made it routine to be so frantic in the morning to make it seem like I was really needed at work when in actuality I needed an excuse to get away from explaining to him what I had been doing without ruining my plans. There was also the fact that I'd always overslept because of just four hours of sleep. It was painful to keep this secret but I assured myself that it'll be worth it in the end.

"I'm running late, babe," I told him, shuffling through an array of documents in my bag, "Can't we talk about this when I come home tonight?"

I grabbed a few folders on the table and shoved them inside my bag without looking at what document was what. I took a glance at my wristwatch and frowned at how late I was. "But you've been home so late, I'd always fall asleep waiting for you. Can't you at least come home early tonight?" he said, sounding so sad and anxious.

I wanted to tell him that I'd be home by dinner time, but I know that would be a lie. I chose to just avoid the question. "Just... not now, babe. Things are pretty hectic at work."

As I finished organizing my things for work as best as I could, I looked at him and saw his head down. I felt instantly guilty for being so evasive of his pleas. I wanted to tell him so badly the reason why I can't be with him for the time being. I couldn't lie to him because then I'd have to build on top of that, then another on that, and it'll just keep towering up that one day it might topple off, burying me under it. I'm left to just swerve away from the questions entirely and make reassurances without it sounding like a hollow promise.

I let out a sigh and walked towards him. I cupped his warm cheeks and lifted his head up. "Look, I need to finish a few more things at work. By next week, you'll have me all by yourself," I reassured him, "Okay?"

That wasn't a lie at all. All those weeks of preparation will be enacted in due time.

I smiled warmly at him, but I felt his eyes didn't entirely believed on my words. Still, he fashioned a smile and nodded. I couldn't feel the resolve in his eyes, so to compliment my promise, I kissed him. He doesn't pull back and takes it fully. After that, I can see he's calmed down and I felt relieved.

I walked out the door, kissed him once again, and got in my car. He stood there by the door as I drove off to work. I swear I caught a glimpse of him frowning for a second, but I brushed it off. It must be the guilt I'm feeling for all this secrecy.

Every day for those past weeks, I'm sat by my computer screen, typing away the hours, even taking up a few more in overtime. My eyes are dreary and worn down that I'm seeing stars and spots in my peripheral vision. The work was draining and the late hours were lonely, but I ploughed through it all.

It's for him, Danny, I said to myself. You've got to be strong, for him.


For The Days To Come (A Danny Gonzalez & Drew Gooden Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now