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Danny sat upon his seat gripping on the steering wheel and frowning. He couldn't think of anything other than, "God damn it!" and "Why now?" He cursed so much, aloud too, but then he pleaded above for the rain to stop, and it unsurprisingly mocked him, as it began to rain even harder. He messaged Kurtis moments ago, hoping on hope he at least have read it. He didn't even know why he's the one he asked helped for. He doesn't even have a car, so what help could he possibly give? But he prayed so hard on a miracle, just this once. And against all odds, the chivalry had arrived.

A car pulled up behind him and out came Kurtis and some guy he didn't recognize. They both had raincoats on them, and they stood upon the car door window. Danny rolled the window down and Kurtis leaned in and smiled at him. "Got your text. Sorry, I was charging and kinda fell asleep," he said a bit louder to be heard from the rain. He looked back at his companion behind him. "This is Dean. He's a car mechanic," he gestured to him.

Dean reached out his hand, "Hey, man." Danny shook his hand and nodded at him.

"He'll be checking on the car. You can just sit tight there," Kurtis said.

The world had finally heard his pleas. Dean went straight towards the front and lifted the hood. More smoke escaped, making its way up, a contrary state to the rain. As Dean fiddled with the car engine, Kurtis kept Danny entertained. "Man, this weather got you good," he told him with a chuckle.

Danny rolled his eyes and smiled slightly. "Tell me about it," he replied, scoffing.

"Why didn't you just call a towing service?" Kurtis asked, raising a brow. Danny sighed and grunted in reply. "You forgot they existed, huh?"

Danny laughed. "Yeah. I might have let my frustrations make me forget about them. But it doesn't matter anymore, you're here now." He smiled at him and patted his shoulder, which was wet from the rain and he instantly regretted it.

"You made the right choice," Kurtis exclaimed. Then his expression shifted to worry, which made Danny a little bit uneasy. "How are you feeling?"

How was he feeling? He was feeling queasy and unlucky. His head turned to mush for the evening, cursing at entities he didn't even believe in. But he couldn't stop thinking about Drew; his sweet, soft eyes that pierced through his heart and gave it a giddy tingle, his pursed lips which exhaled a hot breath as they would kiss passionately, his warm hands that would trace his body gently, making him shiver in delight, his effervescent personality that shifted once they were in bed into a ravenous bear eager to share body heat on a cold evening. He felt hot thinking about him, and the nights they would share together. The word 'married' came flooding back in his mind.

He felt his cheeks blush, but he fashioned him a smile and said, "Generally, great."

Kurtis laughed at how his new friend could manage to smile amidst this unfortunate event he's in. He was filled with utter admiration to this fool who's madly in love. He wished he'd have such deep infatuation for a girl one day, and they'd then tie the knot and spend their lifetime together. It's a thought so bittersweet, but he trudges life with a hopeful heart.

Their giddiness immediately waned down when Dean shouted, "Oh, shit," so loud, even the rain seemed to have slightly silenced.

Kurtis looked at him. "What's wrong man? Think you can fix it?"

Dean walked towards them. He leaned in and shook his head. "You've got a coolant leak. You're radiator hoses are busted and I need to replace them, but I didn't bring any parts other than some of my tools. I have to bring it to the shop to get it repaired."

Danny's heart sank. Why is this happening! he yelled in his thoughts.

Kurtis looked down, then, out of nowhere, he unbuttoned his raincoat, pulled it off his sleeves, and handed it to him. "Here, dude, take it." Water began to seep through his clothes and raindrops were caught on his eyelashes, but he maintained his firm looks on him.

For The Days To Come (A Danny Gonzalez & Drew Gooden Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now