Chapter 3: It was the Champion

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Marnie slowly awoke the next morning stretching out on the bed slightly, letting out a soft Yawn as she pushed herself up.

She looked down at herself and noticed she was naked, and quickly remembered what had happened the night prior.

She looked at her ass and saw that it was a bright red, which caused the girl to let out a light chuckle as she got out of bed rubbing her eyes, while she looked around the small room, Johnny being nowhere to be seen.

"was always a man of his word" she muttered to herself "Can't fault him for that"

She walked into the bathroom turning on the shower, looking at herself in the mirror while she waited for it to heat up.

Purplish marks were covering her neck and breasts, which caused her to smirk, muttering "he always did enjoy leaving marks" before turning back around getting in the shower sighing softly as the hot water hit her skin.

She quickly zoned out, her mind filling with the green eyed male she had met the day before as she thought "I wonder If he's going to register"

-with Hunter-

Hunter awoke the next morning to Darts headbutting his chest, he groaned and looked at the baby Pokémon as he asked "what's up buddy?"

The small Pokémon went to the door of the tent signalling it wanted out.

Hunter sighed Grabbing his jacket and threw on as he said "want to go outside buddy?"

Darts nodded as Hunter opened the door of the tent with his backpack on his back.

He got out of his tent and started watching as Darts explored a small area while Hunter took down his tent holding his endorsement Letter in his hand.

He turned and saw Nuzleaf playing with Darts.

"Darts" Hunter called out causing the small Pokémon to look at him as he said "come on buddy, we've got things to do"

Darts flew over to Hunter landing on his shoulder as he walked into the train station walking to the counter.

"hello there how can I help you?" the woman greeted and asked.

"I'm here to register for the league challenge"

"do you have an endorsement Letter, from a leader or the Champion?"

"I'll do you one better; I've been endorsed by Chairman Piers"

He handed the woman the letter who read It before handing it back as she said "alright let me take you're picture for your league card"

Hunter Nodded as the woman pulled out a camera taking his picture before printing his league card handing it to him

He put the card into his wallet as the woman said "due to you being eighteen years old your able to access Gym Challenger only club scattered across the Region including but not limited to Hammerlocke, Hulbury and Circhester"

"thank you" was all Hunter said sliding his wallet into his back pocket.

the woman moved a small silver and black pad onto the desk and said "place your Rotom phone on the pad and it'll install all the applications you'll need for your journey"

He did as he was instructed and a bar appeared on his phone which quickly filled up with a message that said 'Applications installed' with a list under it which consisted of two applications one titled 'Party' and 'Pokedex'

He grabbed his phone closing the message and slide it into the pocket of his jeans and muttered his thanks as he walked out of the station and headed in the direction of Motostoke City.

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