Chapter 9: Let The Fun Begin

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in this chapter.. dio and jonathan are stupid fucks.
no seriously- //

The streets that were full of busy people began to lessen as the daylight moved closer to sunset. Dio bought the last item from the list and left the shop, finally able to return to the manor.

As he walked down the streets, he thought he sensed someone close behind. When he turned his head around, no one was in sight. 'Odd..I swear I felt someone was close behind me.' After a few more moments, Dio shrugged and continued walking home.

"I pray that JoJo would not be waiting for me to arrive. I'm sick of his antics, I just want to go to sleep..." Dio muttered underneath his bed as he almost approached his destination.

Once at the main doors of the manor, the same butler from before awaited him and took the groceries. "M-master Dio! I thank you for the shopping you did for me. Dinner is almost ready!" "Why thank you." As the blonde walked past the servant to head to his room, the butler quickly called out, "O-oh! And Master Jonathan had awaited for your arrival...He was awfully worried about you."

Dio frowned. "I do not care but thank you for telling me this. I'll be resting in my quarters but do let me know when dinner is ready."

"Y-yes, sir."

The halls were darker than usual to the blonde's eyes. No one had rushed by him, nor was there any sound at all. Dio continued to walk down until someone touched his shoulder.

Dio whipped his head around. "Who's there?" But there was no one. Odd.

'It could be that I was imagining things? Possibly.' His walk continued on. A shadowy figure from one corridor behind Dio stared at the blonde walking down. Their blue hair fluttered against the faint wind while their dark blue eyes which were full of worry, watched their beloved head to their bedroom and shut the door.

They too began to walk to the Brando's bedroom. Once reached, a knock was made.

Dio, who was at the over side of the door walked to answer. "Give thee just a second." When the door was opened, Dio frowned. He knew this would happen.

"Dio, there you are! I came to check on you. May I enter?" It took a little while for Dio to answer. "..You may."

Jonathan entered the room and walked around, only to pause at his brother's desk. The bluenette turned to the boy with a frown as he watched the other walk to his bed and sit down.

"Dearest brother...I was worried sick for you when you disappeared. Where did you go?" Silence remained for a while before Dio spoke. "Around in town, Jojo. I was doing a favour to Clover, one of the butlers."

"...I see."

They both went deadly silent. Jonathan walked up to Dio's bed and sat next to the blonde. Dio noticed this but did not move. There was no point anyway since he knew what Jonathan can do.

The young Brando did tense up when he felt arms circle around him as he was brought closer to the giant. "JoJo..Before I lose it, let me go."

The hold around his waist got tighter. "I wish not to hurt you, my dear...I don't want thou to despise me for what I have done before but it was for the best."

"Was for the best you say? Hurting me because of your obsession is for the best?!"

"...Do you not get it, Dio? I love you..."

Dio fell silent and dared not talk. His head slowly turned to Jonathan only to see the bluenette smile back at him, gently.

Before the blonde could do anything, he felt soft lips against his cheek. This only caused Dio to stay in shock more as Jonathan moved back to see his reaction.

Hide and Seek (Yandere!Jonathan x Dio)Where stories live. Discover now