Chapter One: The background story.

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It was a rainy night.. Near one of the most popular poker clubs in the city, was a little girl, named (Your Name) (Your Last Name). She was lost.. Well, not complet lost. Her parents were killed with cold blood, but the killer was looking actually for her. Weird, huh? Her mom told her to run, when the killer was climbing to the window, so that's how this little girl escaped. She run to her favorite place.. The Poker Palace. She liked that game so much, even if she was just ten. "Mommy? Daddy?" she kept asking, and it was like 2 a.m. Strange, but she sat on a bench in park, looking at a flower, next to the empty Poker Palace, when someone sat next to her with a weird smile on his face. "What is doing a ten-years old girl here? Are you LOST?" he said with a psycho little laugh. "Actually, I'm not." she said, without any fear, just .. sadness. That stole psycho's attention. "Hm?" he asked, trying to see where the girl was looking. ".. I'm alone here.. But miss Flower is keeping me company." she said, trying to keep herself happy. After all, she wasn't stupid, she heard the gun shots.. But she hoped it's not true. The psycho just looked at the flower, and his evil smile reaperead, killing the flower. "What flower?" he said, laughing. The little girl started crying so hard, that he stopped laughing and asked "What's worng?". ".. Nothing. " she replied between sobs. She just surprised him, how strong she tried to be. So he looked back at the flower and with a wave of his hand, the flower was alive again. "Hey, look! I see the flower too." "Huh..?" she replied, looking at the flower, smiling. "Miss Flower!!" she said, happy, surpring him again how happy she could be, from so small things. He didn't want to kill her now. He wanted to keep her, to study her, to .. destroy her mentally, and then, kill her. "Where are your parents?" he asked, knowing the answer. " .. I don't know.. " she replied. "Then, come with me, don't sit alone here. I'm Bill. Bill Cipher. You are..?" he said with the same evil smile, getting up from the bench. "I-I'm (Your Name) (Your Last Name)." she said, getting up to, and surprinsing him by catching his hand. "Let's go, then. " he said, blushing just a bit from her act. He actually took the flower, and put it in his pocket. Years past quickly, and the little girl was now 13, and she has seen the dark secret of Bill, so she kept distance from him, so Bill send her for adoption, he didn't have time for kids, he was a demon after all. So (Your Name) left his life since then, and the happy touch from Bill's life disappeared with her. After many years, actually 6, he started searching for her harder, wanting to see her, because he found the flower in one of his pockets, destroyed. But no way to find her, like she disappeared from this world. But what the hell? Bill didn't care at all. Stupid kid. "Let's go play some poker. I want to kill someone." he said, grabbing his jacket and left his place.

"Welcome to the Poker Palace everyone!" a voice said. "Let the games begin!". The Killer's Game was Bill's favourite. The winner picks his prize and it's closed with his 'prize' for a night. 8 players. Just 4 can play the last game, and win money too. The other four end up killed. So here we are, at the poker table, presenting every player: "Taylor Lound, .. , Bill Cipher, Ross Train and our champion, (Your Name) (Your Last Name)." Bill froze hearing that name spelled out.. It was the little girl, a grown up woman, a beautiful and smart one. The game began, first who died, was Taylor, and then another three no-names. So just Bill, Ross, (Your Name) and Jack. She was the only woman, and she was a hot one, any guy wanted her. "Huh, let's see who wins." she laught. 'She is totally changed, isn't she?' Bill tought, so he changed her cards, for him to win. "What?! Cipher won! Incredible! Pick your prize, Cipher." the voice said. "The lady that wears prada and has a sweet red bloody dress." he said, with a interested voice. He was absorbed by her. "Isn't it obivious?" she laught. He wrapped one of his arm around her wrist, and took her into that room, smashing her to one wall after he closed the door. "(YOUR NAME), WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he yelled. "Six years you didn't ask about my presence, psycho! Now kill me, or let me go!" she yelled. "It's a third choose, you want me to choose it?!" Bill said. "Hmpf. *laugh* Do it if you have strength and courage." she said. "You'll regret this." he said, angry, he tied her hands to the wall, keeping her in air and he brought a knife. "Let's make it erotical then." he said, coming closer.

Kill me, please. [Bill Cipher x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें