Chapter four: I hate you.

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..Oh, Lord, no... Not him. Not this shadowy person that managed to get in my sleep every time I had nightmares.. Not Bill.

"How you found me?!" I said, not just angry, but curious.

"It was easy. As easy as you feel when you're in a poker game." He replied with his pathetic psychopathic laugh, that somehow I missed. "Who is the heart-warming boy next to you~?" Oh no, he's not going to do that, not to my brother.

"Don't you dare! You know very well who is, don't you?!" I yelled at him, filled with rage. He is not going to hurt my brother like he hurt me back then.

"C'mon, simple task: Come with me, be my slave, refuse Pines's offer, and then fall in love with me and maybe I'll let the boy alive." What a good teaser, isn't he? Not this time.

"I won't let you to hurt him, like you did to me. Like you hurt me emotionally, you won't hurt him physically, got me?" After I was done speaking, I turned my face to Joshua and told him to run in the next room and lock himself there. It was the only solution.

Third Person P.O.V.

- Less you know, that those words hit Bill like a sword in his heart. He knew you were right, and less he wanted to accept it, he was the cause of your emotional pain. -

"Done hiding your brother?" He asked with his cold tone, he wouldn't let someone like you to hurt him, even if you already did. "Or I have to check?"

"Why are you doing this? What have I possibly done wrong to you? After all you have done to me, can't you just stop?" Your words were bullets to his human heart, so the demon side of him took control of his as a defensive method.

"STOP ACTING LIKE AN ANGEL, WHEN WE BOTH KNOW YOU AREN'T ONE." he yelled as he got you pinned roughly to the wall behind you.

You were taken aback by his sudden change of 'side' and just stand there dumbfounded for a second but you quickly managed to put yourself back together. Ding. A plan ran through your mind quick. Keep your seductive side on, (Y/N), do this for your brother dammit.

"You rather have an angel than me?" Your voice was not just seductive, but still a bit shaking at the end, less you know that it wasn't shaking just because of fear.

"Humph, maybe not." he said as he leaned to your ear. "I want you, now." You couldn't help put let a soft little moan as his breath touched your neck and he pushed you more to the wall, with him still on you tight.

His demon side was clearly more confident, stronger, and a lot more seductive. It was clear that the human form was building a somehow better side in his brain, like feelings and so on, but he wouldn't let them be exposed.

"Bill.. Stop this.." You were sure you were going to regret your words, but you had to stop him, one way or another. You didn't want to sleep with the 'human' that you hated the most, did you...?

"Let's make a deal. You are going to say 'I hate you' constantly and I'm going to make you add an 'ah-uh' moan every time." he whispered in your ear, letting himself to touch with his lips your soft silky neck.

You couldn't help but that little soft and quietly moan came back, but why? Why did it? Were you...enjoying this?

(F/N) P.O.V.

I hate him, why do I feel this way at his touch? Why can't I just feel disgusted? WHY CAN'T I?!

"Stop it!" I said as I managed to push him off me, oh dear, that was a really bad move. Anyway, I was filled with rage, I can't let him use me as a toy.

"What did you just say, doll?" There we go again, the psychopathic smile of his returned.. "The deal is on starting now." He managed to pull me to him, and in a second, I was in completely another room, like a presidential one. "..Let's have some fuun~" He said as he got me tied up with a rope on a chair. "Now, tell me what I want to hear." He said as he put a scarf around my eyes, to make me blind. Play it, (F/N), anyway he wouldn't remember in his normal side and you will still be alive. Anyway, I really hate him, so at least I don't lie saying that I love him.

"I hate you." I managed to said, full of anger, but then.. Then I felt a pair of hand from behind, shoving slowly under my dress and getting it upper and upper 'till they were touching softly my abdomen.. Why do I-.. I couldn't finish my own tought as he kissed my neck, right on my sweet spot.. Letting out the loudest moan of my mouth, I started to think at the worse things ever, but then I smell that.. alcohol.. He wasn't just on his demon side of thinking and acting, he was drunk!

"Oh, little (Y/N), you won't hurt this stupid shitty heart again, I'm going to make myself pleased, I'm going to feel you on body and my biggest wish to come to reality.. You want to know why?"

I was too afraid to ask him, he was insane now, he wasn't himself, was he?

"All of this because you, little whore, made me go back to love you."

[A/N]: Late update, I know, but I least I made this >.< And I'm not too proud, it's a bit too harsh, don't you think so? Anyway drunk Bill tells the truth, and his little crush on you was worth it. It's some sexual tension hereee.. Sorry. XD I had to. And excuse any grammar mistakes. ;-; You little badass reader.

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