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Tomorrow is the first day of school!
I'm so excited for my senior year!

Also, in one week my boyfriend, Weisz, turns 17 and he is throwing a party (of course I am invited). I don't know what to wear!! At least, I have one week to decide, but i want to be extremely pretty for him, even though lately we don't get along with each other. I could really use some help...when it comes to my "relationship" I don't know what to do or how to act around his friends.

The worst thing is that my only friend is Homura. One of the most popular girls in our school and she can't even keep her OWN secrets to herself, how is she supposed to keep my secrets?

I wish my mother was here, she would know what to do, but she is ALWAYS traveling. I remember when I used to say: "I don't blame her. She is doing her job, so I can have a happy life." But, honestly, I don't...
I rarely see her, maybe twice a year and my father became an alcoholic.
He is always drunk, recently he quit his job and I can't even talk to him, because if I do...he is going to yell at me or even hit me. He once told me that my mother is more important to him and I am just a replacement. Well, I don't care. I'm used to my father's insults. All I can do is ignore him.

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