Job? WHAT?

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Rebecca's Perspective

The second day of school is always worse than the first. I am so tired and HUNGRY. What do we have for lunch? Huh? I don't see anything.
Rebecca: "Dad...where is all the food?"
Rebecca's dad: "If you want to eat something you must work for it, OKAY? The next time you walk into this house, you better have some money or i will punch you until you no longer breathe."
Rebecca: "O-okay dad...i'm sorry, i will get a job."
Wait...a job? WHAT? How am I supposed to do that? I am only 17. Will I be able to keep up with school? I don't know, but to begin with, I should better find a job. I think that a shop in the Shooting Starlight Mall is looking for an assistant...I will send an email. Wait...what should I write? I have no experience...maybe I will write about my achievements. But what achievements? I only know how to entertain people, because I had a B-cube channel, αnd I have been taking care of myself and my dad for a long time...I even know how to cook...but they are looking for an assistant...OF COURSE! A job like this requires social skills!
*3 days later*
Shiki: "Heyyy! Rebecca! Is this your house? Nice garden by the way."
Rebecca: "What are you doing here?"
Shiki: "I am going to the Shooting Starlight Mall. Would you like to come?"
Rebecca: "With you? No thanks."
Now that I think about it...3 days have passed and no response? At least, thanks to Shiki, I will have an opportunity to speak with the manager in person.
Rebecca: "Wait! I changed my mind. I will take a shower and then we can go. Do you mind waiting for me here?"
Shiki: "Take your time."
*10 minutes later*
Rebecca: "Shiki...why are you going to the mall?"
Shiki: "Haven't you heard? A new cafe is going to open tomorrow and they are looking for staff."
Rebecca: " are looking for a job?"
Shiki: "Me? Hahaha, no. When I found out about the specific cafe, I remembered that you told your friend, Homura, how desperate you are for a job."
Rebecca: "WHAT? You weren't supposed to hear that! It's very rude and definitely NOT a friendly move."
Shiki: "You are right, I'm sorry, but I wanted to help you. You are my friend after all."
Rebecca: "I appreciate your help, but I have already applied for a job. Even though, I didn't get an answer."
Why did I say that? This is personal information. Not even my boyfriend knows that I am looking for a job.
Shiki: "Why don't you take a look at the cafe I told you about?"
Rebecca: "I will think about it."

Shiki's Perspective

*In the Shooting Starlight Mall*
This building is HUGE.
Rebecca: "Is this the first time you come here?"
Huh? She noticed?
Shiki: "Yes. I recently moved in this country."
Rebecca: "Where are you from?"
Shiki: "England."
Rebecca: "Oh...nice. But, why did you move here?"
Shiki: "My mother died giving birth to me and my father abandoned me when I was 5 years old."
Rebecca: "Oh...I'm so you miss him? I mean, do you want to see him again?"
Shiki: "That's the reason why I am here. Someone told me that my dad was found in America."
Rebecca: "Oh okay...I promise I will help you find him."
She is so nice and pretty...and her smile...
Shiki: "You don't have to. I am sure you have a very good and happy life...I don't want to ruin it."
Rebecca: "Actually, my mother comes home twice a father became an alcoholic and I have to get a job because he said he will kill me."
Huh? What kind of mother leaves her daughter with a guy who threatens her life?
Rebecca: "Last year I didn't pay attention to my father's words, because I had Happy...but then he father killed him as a warning."
What? That jerk!
Rebecca: "I haven't told anyone. Neither my boyfriend, Weisz, nor my best friend, Homura. But then, Labilia found out. Of course, she told everyone..."
Shiki: "You don't deserve this kind of treatment."
Rebecca: "Let's forget everything for now, because I really need to find a job. Wait. I think this is it...I need to speak with the manager. Can you come with me, please?"
How can I say no?
Shiki: "Of course."
Rebecca: "Umm...hi, my name is Rebecca. I sent an email 3 days ago to apply for a job, but I didn't get any response." Kleene: "Huh? What are YOU doing here? And what did you expect us to answer to that pathetic email of yours. There are so many unemployed adults out there who need a job and they actually have more experience than a 17 year old girl."
Shiki: "Are you supposed to be the manager?"
Kleene: "Yes. My name is Kleene, I am in charge of this place and we certainly don't need someone like YOU to work here."
If we stay here any longer, Rebecca is going to cry and it will ruin her beautiful smile.
Shiki: "Let's go Rebecca."
Rebecca: "Thank you."
Shiki: "We are friends, right? Friends help each other. So, should we go to that cafe I told you about?"
Rebecca: "I didn't study for tomorrow and I am not in the mood for another interview. Can we come back tomorrow after school?"
Shiki: "Okay, I will walk you home. Oh hey, Rebecca, can I get your number?"

Rebecca's Diary

I need to find a job as soon as possible. I thought it was going to be easy, but I was wrong. Luckily, Shiki said that he is going to help me. He is so nice to me...I can talk to him about personal stuff...for example: how Happy died, how my father treats me...and even when someone is about to make me cry, he will be there. I feel very comfortable around him, I trust him and I can rely on him.

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