~Knight Squad Set Up~

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Kise's Squad:
Yoshitaka Moriyama
•Kōji Kobori
•Mitsuhiro Hayakawa

Midorima's Squad:
•Takao Kazunari
•Ōtsubo Taisuke
•Kiyoshi Miyaji
•Shinsuke Kimura

Aomine's Squad:
• Shoichi Imayoshi
•Ryō Sakurai
•Kōsuke Wakamatsu
•Yoshinori Susa

Murasakibara's Squad:
•Himuro Tatsuya
•Kenichi Okamura
•Kensuke Fukui
•Wei Liu

I don't know why I did this but I did. Kagami will probably join the royal knights eventually. Idek yet tbh. I'm just goin with the flow... I'm gonna throw in a little scene of them in this chapter. Feel free to skip this if you want. Also enjoy the picture above 😌

~3rd Person P.O.V.~

The four knights kicked a rock back and forth as they stayed in the thrown room. They didn't have anything to do since the king was out drinking.

"Maybe one of us should have gone with him..." the yellow haired knight spoke frightened.

"And why do you say that Ryouta?" Another with darker skin than the others questioned.

"I mean after the riots today...? Don't you think he might get hurt?" Kise asked worryingly.

"And so what if he does? It's not like we care for him anyways. We just do our job. Which just so happens to be protected His Grace." Midorima joined in.

"Well yeah. But like you said, it is our job. If something happens to him and we aren't there to protect him, what do you think happens to us!? At least one of us is supposed to be by his side at all times!" The blonde went on to complain.

"He has a point you know? They could easily have our heads." Aomine backed him up.

"Ahh~ I doubt they would do that though. No one actually likes him." One taller than the rest pointed out.

"Well you are right as well. But I will stay loyal to him. He is my king. Nothing will change that until he dies. So I will protect him with my life. Wether you do the same is up to you. But I would suggest you do so..." the blue haired one pointed out.

"Say... Seijuro doesn't have any children. And Chihiro won't become king unless Seijuro announces that before his death. And we both know that wont happen... so... who becomes king after him? If he were to die, I mean..." Midorima wondered.

"Oh... next in line for the thrown would be the next born son." Daiki answered.

They all wend on talking about this until it had gotten late.

"Okay. Guess it's time to start the rotation. I'll go first, then Atsushi, then Daiki, then Ryouta..." Shintaro informed.

He stood up before shooting them all to bed, keeping watch of the activity...

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