Part 1 - Amitie Gets Rejected (Deluxe)

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((If Anyone is aware, this is loosely based off the pilot episode from an app called Amino! There, it loosely made any sense, and was a little messy. I am Polishing it Now, and it'll feel like a new story since COPY PASTE WANTS TO BE A LITTLE BITCH. So, the story will be a little less over the place, but the basic idea is the same with some nods to make it fit in the story. PuyoPuyo Is not played as much in this version because it's stupid and dumb)

The Trees
The sky
The Forest!

Amitie ran out of Primp Magic school, with a smile on her face. Class had ended for her, and she was taking a stroll. Her stroll soon ended as she wandered into a beautiful forest.

"I suppose a nap wouldn't be so bad..."

So Amitie laid on a stump, stretching, as she allowed her body to fall asleep and drift into dreamland.
What would a girl like her dream, anyways? Perhaps a sundae mountain she can ski off of? Perhaps a Candy filled world? A pond of gold? No. None of that. Her dream was...

Ami. Wake up. You're on the secret honey.

~ Act I ~ Sig ~
Amitie leapt off the stump, and fell. "Oh, Owww...Whos there..?" She got up and rubbed her face. She was a little disappointed since she had a really good dream.

"It's me..Sig. We're friends in class and I walk you home." Sig introduced himself. "You should really look where you're sitting, I had the honey slathered out since last night and you're on it."

Amitie nodded. "I'm sorry, Sig. I didn't really look..but..Hey. How long were you watching me?" She asked, a little confused. "Normal people don't watch their friends nap!" Amitie laughed, lightly punching Sig's shoulder.

Sig points at said shoulder, with a blank, but disappointed expression. "I'm NOT normal, Amitie. I'm a bug fanatic, unlike most kids who'd run away from bugs. Be careful where you punch, you could've knocked out my friends." A small bee flew out of the sleeve.

"Oh. I thought you were going to say something about your arm and eye being red and spooky and evil!" Amitie unknowingly giggled. "That's not normal at all!"

Sig sniffled, a little upset about that. "Amitie please don't talk about that. I don't really want to hear anything about it..." He wiped his eyes, though no tears came out anyway. "Anyway, about watching you, I dunno. It's just time."

"I want an answer, Shigu!" Amitie demanded, giggly. "If I beat you in a round of Puyo Puyo, I want you to tell me the exact time of how long you watched me! AND I want a hug after it!"

Sig sighed. "Alright. I assume you want Fever rules, seeing as you learned that first. Sounds good.." Sig readied himself. "Let's..."

"Puyo Puyo!"

The fight itself was enjoyable, as Amitie came out the victor. "Yaay! Now, how long were you watching me?"

Sig sighed, looked up at the sky, and took several glances at cloud positions. When he looked again, he had his answer: "Five minutes and Twenty Four Seconds. I came because I needed to see if the honey stash was still there..I don't think it is."

"..." Amitie pondered for a moment. Then the idea struck her, rather violently. "Alright..before you leave this forest, I have something..something very important to tell you. Even if you might get super upset over this...I just can't..ah, Sig. Come with me!" Amitie grabbed Sig's right wrist, and began running. Towards the center.

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