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"Okay, so should I do slutty Harley Quinn?" I hold up a Harley Quinn outfit up to my body. "Or a sexy unicorn." I make a sexy face as I hold up the unicorn outfit over my body.

Morgan kicks her feet in the air and rest her chin on her hands as she lays in my bed and inspects my Halloween costumes. Jamie just raises an eyebrow and leans on the chair while Riley smirks and looks like she is deciding.

"Okay first off, how can Harley Quinn be anymore slutty than walking around in underwear?" Jamie raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms with an unimpressed look on her face.

Jamie was the genius of the group. The very up tight and miss know it all. She was the 'mom' of the group. She always took care of us and always yelled at us for doing 'stupid shit'. But no matter what she was always with us and somewhat knew how to steer us in the right direction.

"Okay first off. Harley Quinn is not slutty! She just knows she has a rocking bod so she flaunts it around." Morgan speaks as she drops her arms down and looks at Jamie with a 'you are fucking wrong' expression. Morgan is the dingdong of the group. We love her but she can be a bit. . . Out of it. She is the one to do the most stupid shit out of the two of us and she doesn't understand simple things.

Once we stole from seven eleven and she got the caught and the cops asked her where the rest were. Since he knew there was more than one of us stealing tonight. She looked at him and asked why he wanted to know. The cop said that he just wanted to talk to us (which we all knew that was a fucking lie, but she didn't). She laughed and pointed to the fucking girls bathroom where we were hiding. Long story short, we ended getting caught and was put behind bars overnight. Until Jamie hex our way out of there.

"Honestly Morgan. . ." Riley slaps her hand on her forehead and shakes her head. Riley is the kind and sweet one of our group. But when she is with us, we bring out her wild side. This girl is the definition of kind, sometimes. When she is with us, people she trust she is fine. She had her moments but she is not as shy as she is with other people.

Once we were walking down Dagon Alley, we were laughing as we pushed each other around. She bumped into a British boy who had a scar on his forehead. He has a curly haired girl behind him with a red head who's arm was around her shoulder. She profusely kept apologising and asking if he was okay. He just smiled and said that he was fine while she started blushing. They locked eyes and gasped, there was a bright light which caught the attention of a few people walking by. They were soulmates, and it was very funny how she screamed and fainted. Not before she apologised for the hundred fucking time!

Now they constantly text each other and are on the phone all the time. Que the annoyed eye roll. I love that girl to death, but her and Harry Potter are those really annoying cliche couples in those little princesses movies. The heroic boy meets the girl, and suddenly she's his whole world.

The girls were all in their Halloween costumes. Jamie was a sexy teacher, Morgan was a princess. And because of Harry, Riley went a little modest and was a cheerleader. They were all dressed and ready while I was still deciding on an outfit.

"Just go put on the sexy unicorn, we need to go! Even Tango is ready!" Jamie was right, Tango was a German Shepard and a dragon mix together. He took more of his mom side than his dad. He's still a pup so he has little wings. Tango came running in with a little devil headband on his head. He jumped on Morgan and she started squealing and petting him.

I rolled my eyes and got dressed. As I am getting dressed let me explain some things.

Riley has met her soulmate Harry Potter, Morgan's soulmate's to Ron Wesley and Hermione Grander. And Jamie is soulmates to Sirius Black. And I'm still it sure who my mates are.

The way that this all works is that when you turn sixteen you will shout how many soulmates you have. I shouted four. It was quite funny actually, the girls were singing me happy birthday and I shouted 'Four' in the middle of it. Anyway when you find your mate(s) you will look into their eyes and a light will appear to where both of the mates can see. Sometimes the light isn't noticeable to other people, when sometimes on other cases like Harry's and Riley's, your light can be blinding.

Now you see, me and the girls are a group of misfits. We cause trouble and stuff like that. But the girls are slowly becoming more responsible and well behaved because of their soulmates.

But there is a big distance for them. We live in America, they live in England. Yeah time issues and all that really sucks for them. So we are transferring to Hogwarts this year so that the girls can be closer to their mates. I of course am going with them, even though I'm not the happiest about it.

Apparently there are some new teachers and more staff so that's gonna be fun. With my reputation I don't know how long I can last there but I'm guessing the others are going to keep me under control so that I don't get sent back alone to America.

I walk out of the bathroom and do a little spin. I had a two piece on. A pink crop top with a pink skirt that almost showed my ass in I bend down. I also had and Euphoria make up vibe going on with my hair up into two space buns.

"Girl your gonna have all the boys drooling over you." Riley compliments as she hands me Tango's red leash. I smirk and grab the leash and walk out of the door.

"Come on losers!"
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*゜゚・*

Twenty shots and hundreds of houses later, me and the girls have pillow cases full of candy and are stumbling around the neighbourhood drunk. I've wrapped the leash around my waist so that I could use my other hand to hold the pillow case and the vodka bottle. The others aren't as lit as I am. Riley is tipsy along with Jamie. Me and Morgan are completely out of it.

My heels click on the road as we make our way back to the house. Jamie at some point took Tango and wrapped him around her waist because I was really stumbling. Morgan has stopped drinking while I continued, so Riley took my drink and wrapped an arm around me so that I can make my way back home.

Jamie has Morgan and we made our way back home, unknowing to us, we were supposed to have our bags backed and ready for our trip to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter Soulmate Au • My SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora