𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖮𝗇𝖾

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"Good God oh glory." I rub my forehead in pain as I open my eyes. A pounding headache hits me causing me to groan. I hear Morgan from the other side of the room complaining as well. A pillow is thrown at my head. "What the fuck!"

"Girls wake up! We have to pack now! Our plane to England is in two hours! It takes us one to get there!" I bolt up and rub my head in shock.

"I thought we leave tomorrow?!" Riley says as she grabs some new clothes to change in.

"I did too! But the alarm I set and the plane ticket says other wise." Jamie ran around the room grabbing her stuff and stuffing it into a suitcase.

"Awe shit." I grumble and grab Tango, who was laying on stomach, and place him on the side of the bed so that I can move around and get us packed and ready.

"If we are ready in thirty minutes we can hit the road and make it to the air port on time." Jamie says as she uses her wand to place some of her clothes into her suitcase.

"Morgan! Come on!" Morgan doesn't like waking up early. I don't blame her I don't either. But we really needed to get up. So I pushed her out of her bed and hit her with a pillow.

"Fuck off Margo!" She throws a pillow at me.

"Get up! I'm not packing your shit. So you better get up before you have to wait three weeks for whatever you need." She grumbles and stands up, swaying slightly. She heads to the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on.

Riley than speeds passed me and heads in with Morgan. I shake my head and grab my wand, I use it to place my clothes from my draws into the suit cases. Finally I finished and the girls came running out of the shower in towels.

"Me and Morgan will finish picking and start the car. Go shower!" Riley changes into some clothes and uses her wand to finish her packing. Morgan does the same just ten times slower.

Me and Jamie head into the shower. I really am not self conscious but I have scars that I cover up with an illusion spell. I just don't want people asking questions and pitying me. I shower and change and head over to the room, I place the service dog vest on Tango and clip a leash on him. Now we got to see if Riley can drive fast enough, I would drive but my hangover tells me other wise.
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

"Move old man!" I shove an old man as I race to the boarding with Morgan and Tango. Riley stops and helps the old man up apologizing profusely while Jamie rushes to keep an eye on us.

Me and Morgan run through the airport laughing as we see the line we are supposed to be in. I hurry foreword with Morgan on my heels and make it into the line, bumping into a lady with grey hair and a very nice bun. I say a quick sorry and turn back to see Morgan huffing next to me.

"You fucking pushed the old man on the ground Margo!" I shrug.

"Oh he'll find a way up sooner or later." The lady doesn't take her eyes off me, it's like she is inspecting me which is kinda freaking me out. But I don't say anything, I'm trying to ignore her hardcore stare.

"You two are complete assholes! You all ran into so many people!" Jamie fusses at us as she slaps the back of our heads, causing us to grunt and rub them.

"Really guys! I had to practically beg the man not to press charges! Your lucky I had a few extra dollars on me so that I could bribe him! You both owe me fifty dollars!" Riley huffs as she crosses her arm and pouts.

"Oh cheer up Charlie. We are going to England!" I look at Morgan and roll my eyes along with the rest of the girls.

"Oh yippee. I'm so excited." I say dryly. She nodded and reaches into her pocket for her passport. I remember to get mine out since we were four people away from being checked on and dig around my hoodie for it. Riley has hers in her hand along with Jamie as they had a conversation. After digging around my pockets for my passport I pale even more and look at Morgan who did the same.

We lost our passports.

"Jamie! Jamie!" Morgan shakes Jamie.

"What?!" I pale and look around, the lady is still staring at us.

"We lost our passports! Holy shit!" Their eyes widened and Jamie hits Morgan on the head.

"Are you kidding me! I told you two to stop running around! Now how the Hell are you two getting on the plane?!" I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see the old lady with two passports in her hand.

"I believe you two will need this." She states in a very British accent and a small smirk. I look at Morgan and then at her and take the passports. Handing Morgan her's.

"Thank you so much miss, these two are always losing things."Riley sighs as she gives a small smile.

"It's no problem at all dear."

"Where did you find their passports?" Jamie questions, but before she can answer. A lady calls out, 'next' and the mysterious lady gives her passport. I catch a glimpse of the name and see the name Minerva. She didn't have much but a very old fashion suit case that looked like a brife case. Making her way on the air plane she stops and turns around.

"Don't forget. To follow your heart." She looks at me dead in the eyes. "And wear your robes." We stare at her gobsmacked and watch her board the plane.

"Ladies?!" The desk lady sneers at us. I glare daggers and slam my passport on the desk. Jamie nudges me to calm down. I simply just give a fake smile and snatch the passport back making my way, with my luggage onto the big plane.

"Guys!" Riley exclaims as she stands in the hallway, feet away with the air plane, her hands were shaking and she looked pale. "I can't do this." I start to panic a bit from her reaction and Tango nudges my leg, informing me I'm going to faint. He may be a puppy in training, but he hasn't missed a panic attack or me fainting once. He always alerts me! He's gotten better than her was a few months ago.

I nod and pet his head then I look at Jamie and discreetly nod towards the dog. She understands and walks towards me.

"Morgan I need to go with Margo to seat her real quick. I'll be back okay?" They girls nod and I make my way to the air plane. As I make it to the seats I feel very light headed and sit down. Tango jumps on my lap and sets himself on my chest in a therapeutic position, after a few times adjusting him, because he hasn't mastered the correct positions yet, we finally get a good position and I pass out.

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