𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗐𝗈

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"I see you finally woke up." Riley comments playfully as I rub my eyes. I look outside the window and all I can see is water.

"I see you finally got on the plane?" I smirk as she glares at me.

"No she did not get on the plane, me and Jamie had to drag her." Morgan giggles from behind me and I laugh. Jamie amused, pipes in.

"Yeah the captain had to wait an extra fifteen minutes before we could actually take off." Jamie and Morgana are behind us with a random person sitting by the isle while me and Riley are sitting in front of them with a random person sitting next to Riley by the isle. Being around so many people in a very closed space is triggering my P.T.S.D a little bit, so Tango starts to nudge his snout on my neck to calm me down. I start to pet him and focus on my breathing. Riley, Morgan, and Jamie start to conversate and chat, leaving me to calm down with Tango. They've been with me for years so they know not to mess with me when Tango is working. Also Tango will growl and start to bark to make them back off.

I fall back asleep and wait for the airplane to land so that I can get away from everyone.
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Once we landed I didn't see that old lady again. It's like she jumped off the air plane or something. Which was pretty weird. . . Anyway we then made it through security and into a taxi. We then were driven straight to a hotel where we would spend the night in London and head off to Hogwarts tomorrow. We grabbed our luggage and made it into the elevators and headed for our hotel room. Two of us would be sharing a bed. Me, Morgan and Tango all jumped on the first bed we saw and started playing. Well I had to quickly take off Tango's vest before he could play, just so he knows he is not working anymore. We had a little bit of fun before Jamie yelled at us to shut up as she and Riley crashed asleep on the opposite bed.

It was three in the morning and no one really got any sleep expect for me and Morgan. Morgan had snuck some candies, using her magic, onto the plane so she was up. Jamie was reading on the plane, which I was confused because I get motion sickness so bad. Then lastly Riley couldn't sleep because she was so scared, so she just played some offline games on her iPhone. Morgan ended up falling asleep along with Tango who slept on my lap in a ball position. Now I really shouldn't go anywhere without Tango but I wanted to walk around, and I know that Tango was up because he had to monitor me so he was tired from the overnight flight. I couldn't keep that puppy up any longer. I gently used my wandless magic to move the puppy off my lap and onto Morgan's.

Wandless magic. To have wandless magic is a new discovery because no one in history has posseted such abilities. Well except from little fairy tails. But no one has been able to do what I do. If I were to tell someone, the Ministry of Magic would be on my back which I can not have. So I kept it a secret. Only Morgan, Jamie, and Riley know about my wandless magic. Jamie is always trying to do research on it to help me out and discover more about, but it's kind of hard when no one is history has had it. So her information is very scarce on my situation.

I slip on my shoe's and head out into London.
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

"Shit!" I fall on my ass and scrap my hands on the road as I look up to see very handsome men. The one I bumped into had very long blonde hair and the man next to him had very dark raven hair. I lean back and notice that these men were very handsome, like very handsome. They did look older, like way older but I was always attracted to older guys anyway. The one with raven hair had a very black cloak. The other man had a cane and had a very rich looking cloak. He seamed to be of a higher up family. They both looked down at me and raised their eyebrows. I pursed my lips together and pushed myself off of the ground.

"My apologies for our encounter, miss?" I look at the blonde man's hand wearily and go to accept it, instead of him shaking my hand, he flips it over and kisses the back of it. I blush lightly and he smirks, but when I looked into his eyes a bright light made me gasp and back away.

Then I step back and look at the man with raven hair and look him in the eyes, a bright light is pulsed and I go wide-eyed at the situation. I just met my soulmates.

'Oh shit.'

The two professors were in London shopping for some exotic ingredients for Snape's new potion that he was trying to make. They've cheeked a few stores but most of them were just opening because it was so early in the morning. They were expected to make it to platform 9/11 ready to go back to Hogwarts and to teach. With it being the weekend and early in the morning, no one was awake. So Lucius' and his mate were wondering the quite streets of London and making comfortable conversation.

"Ah, Lucius. Did you hear about the new transfer students coming from America?" Snape asked his mate as he and the blonde haired professor made their way down the quite streets.

"I sure did Sev. I'm pretty sure, from what Dumbledore told me, they are all girls. And they are here for their last year." Sev nodded.

"Did you hear why they moved in the middle of the school year?" Before Lucius could respond he jolted back from shock as a small person coiled into him.

"Shit!" Looking at the female who was on the ground they raised an eyebrow at her, her use of langue was surprising, they were also curious to why she was out so early in the morning, and to how she didn't see them.

Usually the Lucius would seethe from a mortal running into him. But ever since the war, he's changed his insight on the mortal's. He's become more accepting along with Draco, his and Sev's soulmate. Draco had no father growing up but had Narcisa, his dad left him and his mom, so his mom raised him. Draco met Lucius when Draco was a young boy, and when Draco grew up, he changed his last name to Malfoy when Lucius gave him the option.

Anyway, the men felt a pull towards the young female. She had long midnight black hair with bangs that framed her pale face perfectly, and it was also pulled up to a high ponytail. She was wearing a black hoodie with some sweat pants to go with it. Before they could check her out more she stood up and looked at the men before her.

""My apologies for our encounter, miss?" Luiscs being a charmer that he is offered his hand towards her, she hesitantly took it and he kissed her hand, which caused her to blush which they found really attractive. Her grey eyes were stunning, they were unexpectedly fill with lots of emotion. Hurt, anger, sadness, and more. They could see it in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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