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Bill's POV

I help Y/N down the last stone step, and she jumps from it into the soft sand next to me, causing it to spray a little. I kick it with my bare foot; it's cooling, meaning the sun will be going down soon. Immediately I think about watching a sun set with Y/N, although she would definitely roll her eyes and scoff at the cliche idea.

I look to her. "The sun will be setting soon - do you have plans to stay somewhere on the island, or...?" I trail off, letting the question hang in the air because for the first time I actually find it strange to ask a girl to stay the night with me. Oh Zeus, is this what other men feel like when they're with a woman? Dare I say... nervous?

She glances to the sky, which is beginning to turn light orange above us, and says mostly to herself, "I've got nowhere to stay. I don't even know how much money I've got - Donna's got the purse, and she's spent so much since we set off from England..."
I don't like seeing her so uncertain, so I ask carefully, "Would you... like to stay in my boat? Not in my bed, if you don't want to, I can move all my things if you feel more comfortable like that - but it's free, and with someone you know, and it's getting too late in the day to be walking across the island trying to find a place to stay."

She stays silent for a short while, to the point where I gingerly ask,
She blinks like she's just woken up, and finally looks to me and offers a small smile. "Sure. Yeah, why not, I'll stay with you for the night. Just to inform you, though, I will be sleeping in the spare bed."
I'm quick to assure her, "That's totally fine, whatever makes you happy," and she smiles brightly again like she did back in the mountain before taking my hand and beginning to walk across the beach to the small wooden jetty.

Along the way, I think about how much I already like that smile: it's so pure and fun and shows her true self; I think when she was with Donna before, her sister overshadowed her which made her less of herself. Of course, I don't know their relationship, but I do know that's definitely what I accidentally do with my twin brother sometimes - to be fair, it's not hard to look cooler than someone who thinks goats are better friends than people.

We get to the boat and I let her go down below the deck first to change into her night stuff safe behind the door of the cramped bathroom, whilst I figure out where to dump all the crap from the spare bed. Cupboard? But when I open the door, dozens of other things burst out of it - wow, I really need to get rid of some stuff.

I decide to just shove it all into a corner of my bedroom, and start on doing so when the bathroom door opens and Y/N steps out in light blue cotton pyjamas, her wild blonde hair brushed and forced into one long thick braid. She looks adorable. I can't stop looking at how gorgeous she is, even in PJs.

I stand there gormlessly watching her, and after a while she asks drily, "Can I use the bed now?"
I blink and snap into action, and grab an armful of stuff from the bed. "Yes, of course. I'm going to put everything in my room, so you can be more comfortable."
She nods, and walks to the bed and starts leaning her cases against it. When I dump the last load of crap in my room, I peer closer and see a faded acoustic guitar lying bashed between two cases.

I point to it as she sits on the now empty bed. "You play guitar?"
Y/N shrugs and replies, "Sort of. A little. Not anything good, just a few sets of chords and little tunes every now and again - mostly when I have a guitar in my possession I just make up my own little song to go with random strumming."

She picks up the guitar and fixes it so it's hung round her neck and balancing on a raised knee, and adjusts the things that tighten the strings - I don't know, I never learned to play guitar, I don't need to know the terminology. When she's finished she looks back to me with a modest smile, as if waiting for me to say something, but I don't know what to say because I was concentrating too hard on watching her become totally invested in that guitar.

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