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~~Boris' POV~~

Potter and I were sitting in the living room, watching some TV when we heard the front door open and a thud noise come from the hall leading to the front door. Potter and I exchanged confused looks before getting up quickly and heading to the source of the noise.
I stood behind Potter as we looked down at the source of the thud noise. It was Aria, sat criss-cross on the floor. She had blood all over her, it looked like her brow bone was split and bleeding, she had a split lip that was red and swollen, her cheeks were red and seemed like they were going to bruise, and from the looks of it, her stomach was starting to bruise too.
She sat on the floor, hands in her lap, she refused to make eye contact with either me or Theo. Theo had a worried expression on his face, you could tell he was concerned due to the way she looked. The sight of her made my heartache, I can't believe someone could do this to her.

"What happened?" Potter asked, his voice somewhat shaky. He made his way over to her, sitting next to her; I did the same, sitting on her right side.

My eyes scanned over her body, she looked like a mess. Something caught my eye, she had deep scars on her wrist. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of them, was she hurting herself?
It looked like she hadn't done it in a while, but still, it made me really sad and angry to see she's doing that to herself. It really broke my heart to see her like that.
I bit my bottom lip and tried my best not to let myself cry or get angry, Aria needed support, not an asshole who wants to beat the shit out of who did this to her.

I watched as tears built up at the brim of her eyes, not long after that tears started streaming down her cheeks. I could tell she was trying her best not to break down, but she couldn't hold back the tears any longer.
She started hyperventilating and crying harder and harder, my heart sank. I didn't like seeing her cry, but I'm not sure why. She looked so broken and defeated like she wanted to give up but couldn't bring herself to do it.

"I...he..." she started, pausing and biting her bottom lip. She closed her eyes and let out a few sobs.

Potter and I exchanged worried and concerned looks, both of us wanting to help but not exactly knowing how.

"How can I be a slut when I haven't even had my first kiss...how can I be a slut when I've never had a boyfriend. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS." She cried, her voice cracking every so often.

"Aria calm do-" Potter started, tears building in the boy's eyes.

I bit my bottom lip hard and pushed my wavy hair out of my face, keeping my eyes on the crying girl next to me.

"Why does it seem like everyone is only around me because they're afraid to break me?" She said, putting both hands on the sides of her head, tangling her fingers in her long hair.

"We like being around you-" I tried to say, but was quickly interrupted by Aria continuing.

"I fucking hate myself. It's all my fault my parents lost their company. It's my fault those guys raped me...I wake up in the morning and want to die. I don't understand why I even fucking try." She continued, hiccuping from how hard she was crying. She looked down at my lap and shook her head, hair falling in front of her face so we could no longer see her expression and tears. "Why me?" She asked quietly.

My chest ached, it felt like my chest became a black hole and I felt so sad at the sight of her, at the sight of her crying and looking so broken.
I knew Aria was sad and had a lot of shitty things happen to her, but I didn't know she was this unhappy. It truly made me so sad, I've never cared about someone so much in my life and I didn't understand why.
No matter how hard I tried to distract myself with Theo, she was still in the back of my thoughts. Though I knew I was falling in love with Theo slowly the more him and I interacted, deep down I knew who I really I wanted to be with.
But everyone women in my life never stays, all women are the same. I refuse to fall for her because I know she'll just break my heart and leave as everyone else has. I'm too difficult for people and I'm too big of an asshole towards most people.

"Aria-" Potter mumbled, trying his best to get her attention.

But her eyes were vacant, she wasn't listening. She looked pale and almost like she was going to faint. She looked exhausted like she had just run a marathon.

"I just want to die....please...please" Aria mumbled to herself, gripping her arms tightly as she rocked back and forth.

I watched her and couldn't help but want to hug her, to have her in my arms to show her she's safe. But I knew that she hated being touched, that her body will start shaking uncontrollably.
I bit my bottom lip once more and ignored all those thoughts and pulled the small girl into my lap, wrapping my arms around her somewhat shaking body. I held her tightly to me and played with her hair softly.

"It's okay Золотце (darling), I'm here. You're safe." I whispered to the girl.

Potter watched us, he still had a worried expression on his face and he seemed sad.
I felt Aria's body go from tense and shaking to relaxed. Her breathing became calm and consistent. I looked down at the girl to see she had fallen asleep in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and picked her up brindle-style, carrying her to the sofa.

"Potter get cloth?" I asked him as I kneeled next to sleeping Aria.

I lightly pushed a few strands of hair out of Aria's face as I heard Potter hum in response and heading upstairs. I frowned as I looked at the girl, there was dry blood all over her face and her cuts on her face were slowly starting to scab.
Soon enough Potter came down the stairs with a damp washcloth, he kneeled next to me and handed me the washcloth. I lightly touched the girl's face, wiping the dried blood off. I scanned the girl's features, admiring her pale complexion.
The warm cloth must have woken up because her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me and Potter, confused about what was going on.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused looking at me.

"Cleaning your cuts," I replied, a small smile on my face.

She looked at us blankly for a few moments before giving us a nod. "I can do it now..." she uttered as she grabbed the wet rag from my hand hesitantly. She began wiping her face gently, getting the rest of the dried blood.

"Are you alright?" Potter asked her, concern painted on the boy's face.

She nodded and sighed. "I'm just really tired and sore." She replied, handing me the cloth before resting her head back down on the couch pillow.

"I'll head to the store and get some comfort food, Boris you should probably stay with her just in case she needs something," Potter told us as he stood up from his spot on the floor.

"Okay," I replied, watching as the blonde boy grabbed his shoes and some money from his stache he hid from his dad.

Aria shifted her position on the sofa, wincing in pain, and letting out a small whimper noise that caught my attention.
I heard the front door shut, signaling that Theo had left. I moved spots from next to the sofa to the end of the couch where her feet were.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked her, flashing a small smile; trying my best to brighten the girl's mood.

"Yeah." She weakly smiled back at me.

I got up from my spot and looked through the movies, picking a Disney movie I knew she would enjoy and make her happy. I made my way back over to the sofa, sitting back in the spot I had been. I looked over at Aria, seeing her face light up when the movie started. I watched as she sat up from her spot on the sofa, changing to a criss-cross position with her hands in her lap.
I couldn't help but stare at her, she looked so pretty regardless of the cuts on her face and the bruises that were beginning to form. It also just made me happy to see her brighten up a little, she was starting to worry me.
God, why can't I stop liking her, I don't want to like her but she makes it so hard to dislike her.

She's a literal goddess.

~~A/N: Hey guys, sorry for this short crappy chapter. My writer's block has been on my ass lately. I still hope you enjoy it.

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