New Student

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Y/N: Hey Shido you look tired man, Are you alright?
Shido: Yeah everything is fine.
Y/N: I heard there is a new transfer student coming and I hear it's a girl.
Shido: Yeah? We've been getting alot of girls recently.
Y/N: I don't mind.
The teacher walks in and everyone sits down.
Tamae: Good morning everyone!
She says in a cheerful tone.
Tamae: Before we start today's lesson, we have a new student that will be joining us today.
Well the moment of truth.
Tamae: You can come in now!
The student walks inside the classroom and writes her name on the chalkboard and turns around.
???: Hello, my name is Rinne Sonogami. Please take good care of me.
She bows down.
The whole class started going crazy for having a cute girl join our class.
Tamae: Okay calm down everyone. Sonogami-san you could sit in the spare seat behind L/N-kun. L/N-kun could you raise your hand please?
I raise my hand and she looks at me and the seat behind me.
She nods at the teacher and goes to her seat.
*Timeskip to lunch*
I brought out my bento and placed it on my desk. I then turn around to talk to the new girl.
Y/N: Um excuse me Sonogami-san, may I eat at your desk?
Rinne: Sure! I don't mind.
She says happily.
Y/N: Thanks!
I turned my chair around and placed my lunch at her desk.
Y/N: So how do you like this school so far?
Rinne: It's good. The teachers are nice.
Y/N: Oh yeah about teachers, Tama-chan may look young but she's actually in her late 20's.
Rinne: Really? Wow I didn't know that.
We ate and talked for a while until the bell rung, signifying the end of the lunch break.
Y/N: *closes bento box* Well it was great talking to you. You can call me by my first name if you want to.
Rinne: Oh? Then you can call me by my first name too, Y/N-kun.
For some reason I don't know why my heart skipped a beat when she said my first name.
Y/N: *smiles* I'll keep that in mind, Rinne-san.
*Timeskip to end of school*
Y/N: Alright guys I'll see you later.
Shido, Tohka, Origami: Bye Y/N.
We walked our separate ways. Just as I was walking away, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
Rinne: Y/N!!!
I look behind me and stopped.
Y/N: Oh hey Rinne.
Rinne stopped right next to me and catches her breath.
Y/N: You alright?
Rinne: *pants* Yeah I'm fine. *pants*
Y/N: Want to stop by at a convenience store and buy water?
Rinne: No thanks, I live nearby.
Y/N: Oh okay.
We walked and got to know each other better for along the way.
Rinne: And here's my neighborhood!
She says in a happy tone.
Y/N: Really? I live in this neighborhood too.
Rinne: Huh? Oh wow.
Y/N: Yeah... so which house do you live in?
Rinne: Actually it's around the corner.
We turned the corner and there it is. Her house and my house right by each other.
Y/N: Oh, so I guess you're my neighbor then.
Rinne: Wait you live next door?
Y/N: Apparently so.
I show her my house keys.
Rinne: I see. Well see you tomorrow at school Y/N!
She says with a smile.
Y/N: See ya!
We both waved at each other and entered our homes.
Y/N: *In mind* I didn't think I would be living next to a cute girl. Wait what are you thinking Y/N?!

False World (Date a Live Rinne Sonogami x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora