Halloween Special

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Y/N arrives at Shido's home and knocks on the door. Today was Halloween and Shido has organized a party at his house. Shido answers the door and greets Y/N.
Shido: Yo Y/N how's it going?
Y/N: Nothing much, so where's the food?
Shido: Geez you are starting to act like Tohka, and where's your costume?
Y/N: Uhh- we're supposed to bring a costume?
Shido: Nevermind just come in.
Shido steps aside so Y/N can walk in and closes the door. Y/N and Shido walk to the dining room where everyone is.
Everyone: Happy Halloween Y/N.
The spirits are using their astral dresses as their costumes, including Rinne.
Y/N: Happy Halloween, I'm not late aren't i?
Yuzuru: Denial. Origami and Miku isn't here yet.
In reality, Origami was hiding behind a wall waiting for the perfect moment to come in. Y/N takes a seat next to Rinne and looks at the mysterious purple liquid on the table.
Y/N: What is that?
Yuzuru: Foolish. It's stew.
Y/N: Huh?
Yoshino: We wanted to make some food for the party, so we all put it together.
Y/N: Well, I appreciate the thought but... *looks at the stew* What the heck's in there to give it that color? And why is it boiling?
Kaguya: We went all out this time. Everyone tossed in the food they love best.
Y/N gives a look of shock.
Rinne: I-isn't that wonderful Y/N? For them to make something so yummy? Come on, eat it while it's hot!
Kaguya: Wait, Kotori never contributed yet, make an offering to complete this banquet.
Kotori: Ehhh
Kotori pulls out a lollipop and drops it into the stew.
Y/N: Wait even the stick too?!
Tohka: Ooh! Kotori put something in!
Yoshino: It's looking better and better!
Y/N: No it does not! And is that an ice cream cone?
Rinne: Enough talk and take the first bite already.
Y/N: *gulp*
Y/N scoops some stew and puts it in a bowl. Y/N looks at Rinne and she nods. Y/N then hesitantly took a bite out of the stew.
Y/N: Huh, what?
Tohka: How is it, Y/N?!
Y/N: Suprisingly good
Everyone then celebrates their succession on making the meal.
Y/N: I still think I'm gonna be sick after eating this.
Rinne: *laughs* don't think too much of it you'll be fine.
Shido: She's got a point you know, but I'm still wondering where Miku and Origami are.
Miku: Darling! Did you call me?!
Shido: Huh?!
Miku then bursts into the room.
Miku: I heard all of your lonely calls, so the spirit idol Miku Izayoi has made her appearance at last!
Tohka: Huh? Then you singing is?
Miku: A recording that looks like it's live! Anyways what are all of you doing?
Y/N: Come have a taste at this somehow edible stew. *pours stew into a bowl*
Miku: Let me see *takes a seat and grabs the bowl* Oh my, what a peculiar color.
Y/N: Be careful, it's hot.
Miku: Here goes nothing! *takes a bite* h-hot!
Shido: A-are you okay?!
Miku: Darling, I seem to have burned my poor lips. Unless you kiss them, they'll never heal.
Miku then gets closer to Shido ready for a kiss.
Tohka: What are you on about Miku?! That's not how burns work!
Yuzuru: Pain. *raises hand* Shido, I have also burnt my lips. Need urgent care.
Kaguya: Hey! No fair! *consumes stew* OUCH!
Yoshinon: Hey Shido, don't forget Yoshino!
Tohka: Eh? *intakes stew* SHIDO! I accidentally burnt my lips as well!
Shido: You guys...
Kotori: Onii-Chan ~ I think I did too...
Shido: *stands up* White ribbon out of nowhere!
Y/N: Is this the stew's side effects?
Rinne: Y/N...
Y/N: Huh?
Rinne: Y/N.. my lips...
Y/N: Eh?! Not you too!
Miku: Eek! Is everyone alright?! Don't worry, I'll make you all feel better right away!
Everyone: Hey!
Suddenty, the doorbell rings.
Y/N: I'll get it.
Y/N gets up from his chair and walks to the front door.
Y/N: *Opens door* Ah, Happy Halloween Origami. What is that?
Origami: I made stew as well.
Y/N: You did?
Origami: It's turtle, scorpion, and seal body parts... boiled in energy drink.
Y/N: My immune system...
Kurumi suddenly emerges from the ground behind Y/N and grabs his shoulders.
Kurumi: Ara ara, I hope the party isn't over.
Y/N: This is gonna be a long night...

A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! finished and published at 12 am

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