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Hi I'm Hanna and it's my first day here at BSU. I just got to my dorm and I don't have a roommate. Anyway I heard that my crush is at the school and he have a roommate named Brendan Fletcher White. Brendan is Jackson White's twin. My crush is Zach Boyce.

I started to unpack my stuff from home and decorated my dorm while listening to my favorite song. Then I heard my name called.  I walked out of my room and I saw Brendan waving me to come over. I walked up to Brendan.

Brendan-Hi Hanna and how are you? I'm so excited that you're going to the same school. So have you seen all seven episodes?

Hanna- Yes I did and I'm not feeling good.

Brendan- are you homesick?

Hanna- No I'm not homesick

Brendan-  what's bothering you Hanna?

Hanna- I got my feelings hurt when I watch episode 5.

Brendan: oh no Hanna and what happened?

Before Hanna tell Brendan about what happened in episode 5 that hurt her feelings. Then she saw her crush Zach.

Zach- Hi Hanna! *gives her a hug*

Hanna- Hi Zach! *blushes*

Brendan- Hanna what happened in episode 5 that hurt your feelings?

Hanna- *shows Brendan the scene from episode 5 that hurts her feelings*

Brendan- *gives her a huge hug*.  Hanna, me and Zach will be the best of friends.

Zach- *gives Hanna a kiss on her cheek* I love you so much Hanna.

Hanna- I love you too Zach

Brendan- do you need help with your unpacking?

Hanna- yes I love to have you and Zach to help me unpack.

Brendan and Zach helped Hanna unpack and decorate her dorm. 

Hanna- thanks Brendan and Zach.

Brendan- your welcome and I love to be your friend.

Zach- I'm your boyfriend Hanna.

Hanna- *tears up again*

Zach- *sits down next to her and wraps his arms around her*.  Hanna sweetie what's wrong?

Hanna- * showed Zach the scene from episode 5 that hurt her feelings*

Zach- I would never ignore my best friend.

Brendan- thanks Zach. Hanna, can we sleep over at your dorm?

Hanna- yes

Zach my college sweetheart (Boyce Twin)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat