2- part 2

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After she texts Jackson. Then she looked up and see Brendan in front of her.

Brendan- Hanna, do you want to go to a school club fair with me and Zach?

Hanna- yes I love to go with you and Zach and your my roommates.

Then Hanna and Zach and Brendan left their dorm and head to the gym.

Zach- *held Hanna's hand* I love you so much Hanna.

Hanna: I love you so much too Zach.

Then Brendan and Zach and Hanna got to the gym to look around at the different clubs that the school have. Then Hanna froze. She saw Jackson and Cameron.

Zach- Hanna are you okay sweetie?

Hanna- I'm fine and I just saw Cameron and Jackson here at the same event.

Zach- who's is with Cameron and Jackson?

Hanna- Zach, that's HBO. They are the ones filming the show.

Zach- I have a idea for you Hanna.

Hanna- what is it Zach?

Zach- you could Crate your own club and me and Brendan can join.

Hanna- Zach, my club is called the Mrs Fletcher fan club. Because I'm a huge fan of the show.

Zach- I love the name and I'm so joining your club.

Brendan- Hanna, I'm joining your club.

Then she walked around the gym and then she bumped into Cameron.

Cameron: hello Hanna and I didn't see you there.

Hanna: it's okay Cameron.

Jackson: so did you join any clubs here at the school?

Hanna: no and but I created my own club.

Cameron: what's your club's name?

Hanna: the mrs Fletcher fan club. And Zach and Brendan already joined.

Cameron: can me and Jackson join your club?

Hanna: yes you can.

Then she saw a person who works for HBO heading over where Me and Jackson and Cameron are at.

Hanna: I have to go Jackson and Cameron. I will see you soon.

Then she walked back to her roommates.

Zach: Hanna, are you okay?

Hanna: I'm good Zach.

Then Cameron walked up to Hanna.

Cameron: *kissed her lips* Hanna I love you so much and I'm so happy to be your boyfriend too along with my twin Zach.

Then Cameron walks back to Jackson.

Brendan: Hanna, your lucky to get 2 kisses on your lips by Cameron and Zach.

Then Zach and Brendan and Hanna left the gym and head back to their dorm.

Brendan: Hanna, there's something going on at the little theater and do you want to go?

Hanna: sorry Brendan and I'm so tired right now.

Then Jackson and Cameron walked in the dorm.

Jackson: I have something for you. * gives Hanna a note*

Hanna: *she opens the note and starts to read the note*. Hanna here's the list of episodes that your boyfriend is in

E1-Empty Nest
E2-Free Sample
E4-Parents weekend
E5- Invisible Fence ❤️
E7-Welcome back
Love Jackson White

Then she looked at Jackson.

Hanna: thanks for the note Jackson.

Jackson: your welcome Hanna. I want to tell you that you can come and visit us on set and while we are filming.

Hanna: * jumped up and down* I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.

Jackson: I'm going to bed and I will see you later. Hanna, Cameron is going to spend the night with you. He's not going to be in episode three tomorrow.

Hanna: good night Jackson and see you tomorrow.

Hanna and Zach and Brendan and Cameron went to sleep in Hanna's dorm and Jackson walked back to his and Cameron's dorm and goes to sleep.

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