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"Do you think she can do it?"

"Of course, Shes my Daughter"

I sigh after hearing my Mother and our Castle steward's conversation behind the door. Why would she trust me with this? She trusted me but I cant even trust myself with this thing

For the second time I sigh again as the two persons behind the door started to walked away. I could their heavy foot steps walking away from the door. My gaze looked down in the box Im holding that was in already my palms 10 minutes ago.

The box was made out of solid wood, Rectangle shaped. Whats inside of it might get me in trouble. Inside of it is the family heirlooms and it is very powerful. I couldnt even forget how mother warned me about this thing

'What lies in this box is a great power'

'Open it and it might decieve you, You might lose your control'

I took the box Away from me and put it in top of the table and walked away. I dont have plans leaving it alone here in this room.

The whole room was dark. Only the moons light that came from the window serves as my only light. I draw near the window to see the moon clearly.

It was bright. The moon has many flaws and scars, I could see it clearly from where Im standing,but above all that the moon became much more beautiful because of its flaws. No wonder why Mother loves to stare at it. Beautiful Indeed mother. I stared for a minute before turning my gaze at the box.


Their was someone calling my name. That voice was coming from that box. I dont know if Im right but sometimes, peoples instincts are true.

"Harper... Oh what a beautiful name it is. Beautiful as the sound of the Harp"

Its voice is very soft and gentle.The way it talks, its like telling me to open it.

"Open me child. For I know you are curious whats inside so do not be afraid"

"Open it~"

It controled me. I lost my control.

I slowy opened the box And there I saw my Mothers wand. The wand she was keeping away from me.

It was made out of ruby shaped like heart. Its color is red as the blood. I slowy got my hands on it. The moment it touches my hand it turns bright. So bright that it almost blind me.

"Harper? Open the door. Whats happening!?"

I heard someone knocking behind the door. But I couldnt find nor see the door because of the light blinding me. The Light started to sorround the whole room


I heard another voice and another one again. They were knocking, trying to reach me. Trying to open the door.

I could feel pain in my hands. I coul feel so much heat. I tried to release the wand but its like it was attached in me. The second moment I realize the whole room exploded. There was no left even a single thing.

The light disappeared and the next thing I knew is that the Wand Changed. Its appearance change. From a red ruby shaped heart--It turned into a real Diamond. Its color change, Crystal blue like the ocean

And slowly My name was engraved on it. Meaning that Im its new owner now

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