Chapter - 21

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Hello everyone... Here is the next chapter

Hope you all will like it

Thank you



Next day Jai came to college to handover a cheque to the principal personally so that he can have a glimpse of Sonakshi

While he was coming back after meeting the principal he saw Sona at stairs with lots of books in her hands. She is struggling to handle the books but unfortunately she fell down from the stairs...

"Sonakshi...." Jai shouted and ran towards her

Sona got an head injury and lost her consciousness

" Sona..Sona get up.... " Jai said placing her head on his lap

He is having tears in his eyes

" will be fine.. Nothing will happen... I will make sure you will be fine...but once please look at me Sona... please " he said to her and tears are rolling down from his eyes Continuously

Principal,other lecturers and students gathered there because of the comotion

" Oh my god... How did it happened??? We have to take her to the hospital... Jagadish go get my car ready " principal ordered the peon

Students and lecturers are getting tensed because of the situation

Meanwhile Sona's friends alond with Karan and Samrat came there

" Sona.... " Tanya shouted and went near her and started crying seeing her friend in that condition

Jai is numb... He doesn't know what to do... He is feeling like his life is leaving his body seeing her in this condition..

Karan kept his hands on Jai's shoulders and said,"we have to take her to the hospital "

Jai looked at his brother with tears in his eyes... Karan is unable to see his brother in this situation

" Please... Before it is late we have to take her to the hospital " Karan again said controlling his tears

Jai immediately composed himself and lifted Sona in his arms...and before that he handed over his car keys to Karan and asked him to start the car

Jai sat in the back seat with Sona's head in his lap
Karthik Tanya and Rohan too followed them


They soon reached the hospital and admitted Sona

Jai is out of control... He is not talking with anyone

" God please keep her safe.. please keep her safe... I can't leave without her god... please "he kept praying to the God with his eyes closed

Principal and some other lecturers too came to the hospital

After sometime doctor came out... All immediately rushed towards him

" Doctor how is she?? " Principal asked

Doctor : she is fine... She got a small head injury but nothing to worry about that...But she also had a small fracture in her she has to take complete bed rest for atleast 15 days... Other than that she is completely fine and as of now she is unconscious but will gain her consciousness back with in some time

Doctor said and went away from there

All sighed in relief... Jai looked at Karan... Karan nodded his head and somehow diverted the attention of the others and here Jai came to Sona's room

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