chapter nine

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"It was great to meet you all I'm sure we'll all have lots of fun over the next year!" Mrs Hatley said dismissing us all from my last class of the day, she was my biology teacher and I haven't had all of my classes yet but biology definitely seemed the best and she seemed like the nicest teacher.

"Hey mind if we go have lunch together then go to the horses, my roommates are all kinda stuck up and annoying so you're the only friend I've got." Ally asked walking next to me, she was also in my biology class and we had agree to be partners for the year.

"Oh sure, that sucks. My roommates are sooo nice so feel free to hang out with us whenever you like!" I replied, I never really thought about having bad roommates cause it's weird here you kinda don't just make friends people are automatically friends with their roommates so I just kinda went with it.

"Hey girls!" I said sitting down at a table in the back of the cafeteria where Imogen and Rosie were sitting once Ally and I had got our food. "Guys this is Ally, Ally this is Imogen and Rosie." I said introducing my friends.

"Hey Ally." They both said happily.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind if I sit with you guys my roommates are kind of rude and annoying." Ally said laughing.

"Oh that sucks, who are they?" Imogen asked.

"Sally Joshephs and Melody Paisley." She replied with a scowl on her face.

"Isn't Sally that girl who got the scholarship as well?" Asked Rosie.

"Yeh she is." I said remembering her name from our first day.

"You'd think she'd be extremely grateful for a scholarship not stuck up." Imogen commented.

"Well Melody's the worst, she has rich as parents that buy her everything she has like 12 horses or something and they're all hers no one else in her family even likes horses, she probably doesn't either she doesn't ever look after then she just pays others and then rides them when she wants! I guess Sally just wanted to fit in. But still when they're around each other they're so rude!" Ally said frustrated.

"Well I'm gonna go get ready for the lesson gotta get my boy looking good!" I said standing up.

"Yeh we'll come as well." They all said following me out of the cafeteria.

"I'll meet you at the front of the dorm building in 15?" Ally asked once we reached the dorm building, her room was on the bottom floor unlike ours.

"Yep, see you then." Rosie replied before we took of up the stairs.


"Is there a uniform for lessons?" I asked pulling out a pair of tan jodhpurs.

"No, except we have to wear a polo shirt if we aren't wearing a jacket and we have to have breeches or jodhpurs obviously and riding boots and all the obvious but no uniform." Imogen said answering my question. We had a very strict uniform for school, blazers as everything so I was surprised it wasn't stricter for riding, we did however have school polo shirts and saddle blankets for competitions.

"Ok, thanks." I said changing into my breeches, a teal polo shirt, teal knee high socks and my riding boots. I reach under my bed and grabbed my teal saddle blanket, white boots and my helmet before sitting on my bed and waiting for the others.

"Do you know which group you're in?" Imogen asked standing in front of our only mirror to braid her hair.

"No, how do I find out?" I asked putting my stuff down next to me.

"It's on your timetable." She answered. I grabbed my timetable of my desk and read over it before I found the group I was in.

Kailey Rellen: Group 2

"Group 2." I answered putting back my timetable and getting all my stuff just as Rosie finished doing up her last chap.

"That's the same as me!" Imogen said excitedly. "I'm so glad one of my friends is in my group I was worried I was gonna be by myself."

"Yeh that's a relief." I sighed happily I didn't really know anyone except for the 3 girls so I wouldn't have been as excited if I didn't know anyone else in my group. "What about you Rosie?" I asked.

"I'm in group 4, the same as Ally I think." She answered smiling.

"Oh that's good." I said as we finally made it to the stables. Coincidently it turned out that Imogen's stable was right opposite mine and Rosie's was about 4 down so we were all relatively close. Imogen had a beautiful 15.3 hand Appaloosa Mare called Annie, she was beautiful and Rosie had a 16.1 hand chestnut thoroughbred mare called Tinkerbell, who was also stunning. I dropped my stuff outside my stable before walking to the notice board were it said what each group was doing for the day.

Group 1: Dressage

Group 2: Showjumping

Group 3: Cross Country

Group 4: Skills & Technique

There were only 8 people per group and there were 65 in our year level, half the students rode in the morning while we did classes.

I came back from the tack room with my grooming box and tack, glad that my group weren't doing skills or dressage do I wouldn't have to go back to get my other saddle. I put my gear on the hook outside the stable before grabbing my headstall and heading out to the paddock with Ally.

"I'm so annoyed that I have to do skills first you get to do something fun!" Ally complained as we walked to the paddock.

"If anything skills would probably be the best to start of with me you can show your instructor how good you are without anything to distract them." I said explaining my thoughts.

"Well I don't think you need to show anyone how good you are everyone around here knows you as Giz are amazing jumpers." She informed me.

"Everyone?" I asked slightly shocked, I knew that the people in my classes knew but not everyone!

"Yeh you're the talk of the town." She said nudging my shoulder before laughing.


I groomed Gizmo making him look spotless, well fairly close to it, I took his rug of this morning due to the strangely sunny weather.

"There you go buddy you'll be the prettiest one there." I said giving him a pat.

"Except for Annie!" Imogen called out over the stable door.

"Of course Annie is an exception." I said laughing. I checked my watch to see it was already 2:40 I tacked Gizmo up making sure everything was perfect. His saddle was in the right position, all the straps were done up on his bridle. Imogen wasn't quite ready yet so I quickly grabbed the pitchfork out of the wheel burrow that was kept in the stables and picked up the poo that Gizmo did while while I was grooming him so I wouldn't have to do it later.

"There ya go, now everything's perfect." I whispered scratching him behind the ear.

"You ready Kai?" Imogen called leading Annie out of her stable.

"Yep!" I replied untying Gizmo and leading him after Annie towards the jumping arena which Imogen was sure she knew the location of.

"Here we go Giz." I said looking behind me at my beautiful gelding.


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