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From the break of dawn to the gentle hush of nightfall, I've immersed myself in the pursuit of knowledge. The Queen has been an invaluable mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of linguistics, trade, and management. Each lesson leaves me feeling empowered, a stark contrast to the limitations placed upon women in my homeland. There, education was a luxury reserved for the privileged few, while the rest of us were destined to serve without question from the moment we took our first breath.

When I wasn't lost in the pages of books within the library's embrace, I found myself in the company of the Queen, engaged in lively discussions over cups of tea. Rehema, her daughter, was a constant presence, her infectious enthusiasm brightening even the dullest of days. She spoke of Khalid with such fondness that it was evident their bond ran deep, akin to that of a father and daughter.

As I spent more time with the Queen, I began to see her not just as royalty, but as a young woman with her own hopes and dreams. I couldn't help but wonder if she missed her late husband, or if their marriage had been one of duty rather than love. Such musings were not for me to pry into, for royal unions were often arranged affairs. Our relationship had not yet reached the point where personal questions were permissible, though I couldn't deny the curiosity that tugged at my heartstrings.

"As for now, you can simply observe and learn, but if you have anything to add, feel free to," Queen Aziza's soft words accompanied us as the grand door creaked open, granting us entry into the room.

As we stepped inside, I counted ten women seated around a table, their presence exuding a quiet strength that filled me with a sense of awe. Each one bowed respectfully as they caught sight of the Queen.Most of the women appeared to be in their middle years or beyond, their faces etched with the wisdom of experience. Yet, amidst the seasoned faces, only a few seemed youthful. I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between them—their very essence seemed to emanate from their attire.

One was a vision of radiance, adorned in a flowing white gown that shimmered with ethereal light, while the other exuded an aura of darkness, draped in somber hues that seemed to absorb the very essence of light itself. And as my gaze lingered upon the latter, a flicker of recognition danced at the edge of my consciousness.Seated at the head of the table, Queen Aziza commanded a presence that was both regal and welcoming.

I took my place beside her, positioned at a slight angle, my proximity to the radiant lady palpable. The weight of their collective scrutiny settled upon me, and for a moment, I found myself locked in a silent exchange with the enigmatic figure clad in darkness.

"Thank you all for honoring my invitation," the Queen spoke graciously, breaking the pregnant silence that had enveloped the room.

"It's our duty, Your Majesty," one of the elder ladies replied, her voice laced with deference as she offered a slight inclination of her head. If my guess was correct, she should probably be in her fifties. It's funny how age doesn't mean anything when power is involved.

As the door swung open, a procession of maids glided into the room with practiced grace. With gentle precision, they arranged an assortment of fruits and refreshments before each lady seated around the table, extending the same courtesy to me. In the blink of an eye, they vanished.

As I watched them depart, memories of my own humble beginnings flooded my mind, and my thoughts turned to Safiya—the one soul within the palace whom I trusted implicitly. Yet, with my newfound responsibilities, finding time to spend with her had become a luxury I could ill afford.

"Before we commence, allow me to introduce a new member to our esteemed circle, Lady Agbé̩kẹ́," the Queen announced, her voice carrying a note of warmth and inclusion. I offered a polite smile and a light bow in acknowledgment as all eyes turned towards me.

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