Dirty Business

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        When I left the throne room, I immediately started looking for my target. After about five minutes(I'm very good at what I do), I had located him. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain.(Do they have a Prime Minister? I think so but I am not sure). I teleported there and snuck into a meeting he was having. After a few minutes, he stood up and the room fell quiet. He said, "Thank you all for coming." That was all he got out.

        Because at that moment, I leaped out of the shadows and knocked his 'security guards' out. They fell like dominoes. Pathethic. The entire room was staring at me in horror, including my target. I said in a low voice, "Son of Ares, you have been sentenced to death by Lady Nyx. Do you have any last words?" He responded at the same level, "On what charges?" I responded with, "You are arrogant, cruel to those who serve you, and an overall horrible person. Nyx has decided that you will no longer rule."

        And with that, I lunged at him. He tried to resist but he is no match for me. I slammed him against his podium repeatedly until his face was bashed in and he was groaning. I then took out my celestial bronze dagger and slit his throat, and burned his body. After glaring at the crowd, I void traveled to Olympus where Nyx was waiting. Also, the gods were apparently waiting as well.

        As I walked in, Ares started glaring at me. He said, "Why do you think you have the right to murder one of my children?" Before I could say anything, Nyx said, "Because I ordered him to. If you have a problem with it, you are welcome to try and do something about it." He paled and sat back down on his throne. Nyx and I nodded, and she turned to me. She said, "Delta, I need to talk to you in private."

        I shrugged and followed her. When we were alone, I cast a spell that prevented anyone, including the gods, from eavesdropping on us. Nyx began to talk, so I gave her my full attention. She said, "I was talking to the gods, and apparently they are facing a threat that even they have doubts of beating. So, I uh kinda volunteered you to help." At this, I grew furious. Olympus shook with my anger, all over the U.S. storms raged, and on the coastlines, massive tidal waves destroyed everything in their path.

        "Why would you volunteer me to help these idiots??? Have you forgotten that they tried to kill me for no reason? I hate them!! I hate everything to do with them!!!" I was practically screaming at her. She looked scared and said, "I am so so sorry, but against this enemy, they have no chance of beating without your help. You see, its my brother. I thought he faded a long time ago, but apparently not."

        As I looked at her in shock, my power receded. I said, "Alright. I will help them, but if they offend me in any way, they on their own. If that happens, they can burn in Hades for all I care." She looked relieved and said, "Thank you, Delta. Now, we must go tell them you have agreed to help." I nodded and we walked back into the gods' throne room. Not surprisingly, they were freaking out, trying to figure out where that massive surge of power came from. I smirked, because I didn't even use my full power.

        They turned to Nyx and asked, "Do you know who that was?" She replied, "It was Delta. He had a less than favorable reaction when I told him I volunteered him to help. But I managed to persuade him to agree to help." All of the gods were now staring at me in fright. Zeus asked, "If he had continued to rage, you could have stopped him, right?" She shook her head and the amount of fear rolling of them intensified.

        I laughed then asked where I would be staying. The gods said Camp Half-Blood. Zeus offered to be a guide for me, but I said, "I already know where it is." Then I teleported out of the throne room and popped outside of Thalia's tree. Peleus tensed up, but relaxed when he recognized my scent. I patted his head and entered the camp to go see Chiron.

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