A bit shady

33 1 0

Sombra's POV

There goes another knock on the door. I'm already awake.
But my voice won't cooperate and I don't want to think about the chores and to-dos behind that door. So I just lay here.

The minutes slowly go by. The knocks on the door stop. Twelve o'clock hits.

I finally have the energy to get out of bed.

I just stand there.

What is the point anyways?

I open my travel trunk, it's been here since I arrived, it's been here for nineteen years, we were told to keep our belongings in these.

It's not like anybody's is near full.

It will be twenty years, since I was brought to this selfish, miserable world.

The staff in this minor's centre have created themselves to be our 'guardians'. I don't know their names.

They identify us by whatever feature stands out the most. I'm 'Black haired one' or 'Skinny boy'.

No one's nice here.

So I change, head downstairs and hope today is somewhat better.

There's not many people here, which means that there's more work for everyone.

I do the chores and that's all I'm interested in.

They also have a 'guard dog', someone walks her I believe.

The day goes by.

The 'usual' as always.

There was some letters laying on the floor in front of the main door.

Someone picked them up. They saw me staring, it was already eight, they gave me a dirty look and the letter, at this time you'd just go to your room and find something to entertain yourself.

But always lock your door.

Nine ticked. I sat there, legs crossed.

The letter lay there in front of me.

Awaiting to be opened.

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